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"Klaus, what are you doing here!?" Caroline asked, breathing hard from shock. She looked towards her door hoping her mom was asleep.

"I came to see if you wanted to spend some time together. At the Grill maybe?" Klaus said.

"And you felt the need to scare the living daylights out of me to do that?"

"I didn't expect you to be startled by me, love. Vampires aren't supposed to get frightened easily."

"It was dark and it wasn't like I was expecting a psychopath in my room!"

Klaus raised an eyebrow. "Psychopath?" He said, sitting up on the bed.

Caroline shrugged indifferently.

Klaus got up from the bed and stood in front of her, beginning to get annoyed. "We're wasting time. I came here to ask you to the Grill. Will you go with me?"

Caroline looked at the ground. "It's really late." She murmured.

"Tomorrow night then?" Klaus asked hopefully.

Caroline looked into his eyes. She couldn't go with him, she had given up on guys, and she was supposed to be focusing on herself.

But then why did she really want to say yes?

Klaus watched the mixed emotions on her face. "Just say yes, love." he whispered.

Caroline rolled her eyes and gave in. "Fine."

Klaus beamed. "Brilliant. I'll see you there then." He walked to her bedroom window and disappeared out of it. Caroline exhaled in annoyance. Why had she let him talk her into it?

Klaus appeared at her window again and Caroline's hand flew to her heart.

"Klaus, what did I just say?!" she asked exasperated.

He smiled. "Sorry, love. I just wanted to say that you better show up, because if you don't, I'll just come and get you."

Caroline glowered at him and he laughed. "And you really shouldn't get shocked so easily."

And with that he disappeared, leaving Caroline even more annoyed.
Bonnie rushed out of the door the next day. Why was she always running late? Maybe she should invest in that alarm clock, she thought. She got into her car and froze when she noticed a piece of pink, heart covered paper, taped to the steering wheel.

On it was the message "Have a lovely day, Bonnie. By the way, you look magnificent. You know what else would be magnificent? Us going to Prom together. See you soon, sweetheart. Love Kol."

Bonnie snorted, ripped the paper from the steering wheel and crumpled it up. Seriously? He thought cheesy, romantic messages were going to make her want to Prom with him? She drove off to school, very annoyed by Kol's constant pestering. He needed to get the picture. Quick. She was never going to go to Prom with him.
At school Caroline tried not to think about that night. She had changed her mind on whether she would turn up so many times already. She could imagine the look on Klaus's face if she did and the thought did not please her.

She decided to focus her attention on the Prom. She was the head of the Prom committee and they were having another meeting today. She waited in an empty classroom for the others to turn up. Slowly one by one the volunteers came in and Caroline smiled at everyone. When they had all arrived, she started to talk.

"Ok so we decided on a underwater theme, now -" Caroline began but someone else walked into the room, interrupting her.

"Oh please, an underwater theme? How boring and unoriginal." said a drawling accented voice. It was Rebekah.

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