11. Feelings

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Kol sat opposite Bonnie, eating the beautiful meal. The date had been going well for the past hour.

"So when my brother walked by, I came up with the idea of making it seem like he was the one who wanted you to come over. I think it was a pretty brilliant idea." Kol said.

"It was quite creative." Bonnie replied, the ends of her lips pulling into a smile.

"But I thought you would fall for one of those things I did with the roses or the message in your car. But you just got more and more annoyed. Girls in movies like romantic stuff like that."

Bonnie laughed. "You've been watching romantic movies?" She asked in disbelief.

Kol nodded. "To get ideas. You know being romantic is harder than it looks."

"Well you got it right with the candle lit dinner and roses." Bonnie said and Kol grinned smugly.

"I've never had anyone try so hard to impress me." She continued.

Kol chuckled. "I've never had to try so hard to impress someone. Usually if I wanted a girl I'd just compel her."

Bonnie's eyes widened and she dropped her gaze. Kol realised too late that he shouldn't have said that.

"But it's been a nice change." He began, trying to save the conversation. "Having a challenge to keep me focused. It also helps that the girl is so beautiful." Kol complimented.

Bonnie blushed. "You know if any other guy said something like to me, I'd hurt them with my witch powers."

"It's a good thing I'm not 'any other guy' then.'" They shared a smile.

"But I don't understand your obsession with taking me to the Prom. Why does it mean so much to you?" Bonnie asked.

Kol shifted uncomfortably, thinking of how this whole thing was a bet set up by his sister.

He thought quickly. "I want to see you in your grey dress again! You looked incredible, darling." He evaded. Bonnie laughed, flattered and Kol internally breathed a sigh of relief.

"My friends would freak out if I showed up with you to Prom." Bonnie said.

Kol raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, besides the fact that you're an original, we made this pact a couple of weeks ago that the three of us would go to Prom dateless."

Kol almost spat out his wine. "Are you serious?"

Bonnie nodded. "So they won't be happy if I brought a date."

"I'm sure they won't mind, who knows, they might even have their own dates."

"I doubt it." Bonnie said. She looked at the clock on the wall. "It's late. I should go home." She stood up.

"No, don't go. We can talk some more." Kol said quickly and walked around to her.

Bonnie shook her head. "I really should be going."

"At least let me ask you to Prom once more."

"Kol -" Bonnie began but he interrupted her.

"Taking in the amazing time you've had tonight, will you go to Prom with me?" Kol asked, hope emanating in his voice.

Bonnie hesitated and looked at him indecisively. "I can't." She said finally. Kol's shoulders slumped.

"But I had a really nice time." Bonnie said.

Kol leant in to kiss her on the cheek. "Goodbye sweetheart." He whispered.

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