15. Tears

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The dance finished and everyone clapped. Kol pulled back from Bonnie and gazed at her with new eyes. Before he could say anything, Rebekah walked over to them, the Prom Queen tiara still on her head.

"Congratulations Kol, I guess you win." Rebekah said.

Kol raised his eyebrows at her and shook his head slightly, trying to tell her to stop.

Rebekah understood and nodded before walking off back to Matt, students congratulating her for Prom Queen on the way.

Bonnie looked at Kol, confused. "Why did she congratulate you?"

"It was nothing." Kol said, trying to sound casual.

"What did she mean 'I guess you win'?"

Kol said nothing and Bonnie stepped away from him.

"We kissed and then she congratulated you. What is going on?!" Bonnie shrieked.

Kol looked at the ground. "Rebekah and I had a bet." He said in a small voice.

Bonnie's eyes searched his to see if he was telling the truth and it was obvious he was.

Tears rolled down her cheek as she put the pieces together. "That's why you kept asking me to Prom. To win a stupid bet." She whispered.

Bonnie turned away from Kol, but he reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Bonnie, wait." He said, his voice cracking with emotion. Elena and Elijah and Klaus and Caroline had noticed what was going on by now and were looking over at them, concerned.

Bonnie ripped her arm away. "I can't believe I thought you liked me." She stormed off out of the Prom. Kol started to follow her but Klaus took hold of his arm.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." Klaus cautioned.

The others were there beside him too.

Kol had a crazed look in his eyes. "I have to go after her. I have to explain."

"What is going on?" Elena asked.

"It started off as a bet! But it's not like that anymore! I do like her! I really do like Bonnie!" Kol cried.

Caroline frowned. "What do you mean a 'bet'? Is that why you asked her to Prom?"

Tears were forming in Kol's eyes and he nodded.

Elijah's eyes widened and the girl's mouths dropped open in disbelief.

"Kol, why would you do this?" Elijah said, horrified.

Caroline scoffed. "Because it's just who he is. I should have known this was a trick. Come on Elena, we have to go after her."

Elena nodded and she and Caroline walked out of the Prom to follow Bonnie.

Klaus and Elijah pulled Kol over to a table and sat him down.

"This is all my fault." Klaus began. "I was there when you made the bet. I should have stopped you. I honestly didn't think it would go this far."

Elijah looked to Klaus. "You knew?"


Elijah shook his head. "I thought that Kol genuinely had feelings for someone for the first time in his life, but I guess I was wrong."

Kol looked up, angrily. "I do have feelings for her!"

"They were obviously not enough to keep you from lying to her."

Kol stared at Elijah for a moment before his eyes lowered to the ground and the first tears Kol had ever shed in his life, fell down his cheek.
Caroline and Elena rushed into the parking lot outside. They saw Bonnie in a car; it wasn't her car so they guessed it was Kol's.

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