17. Forever

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The Monday after Prom was a sunny one. Elena was dressed and getting ready for school. She picked up her cell phone and saw a text message from Bonnie.

It said: "I've forgiven Kol. I couldn't help it, I love him. I'm sorry if you don't agree but I supported you with Elijah. See you at school. Bonnie."

Elena smiled slightly. She was happy for Bonnie, but she did have concerns.

What if she'd forgiven him too quickly or he just hurt her more. Elena didn't want her best friend to go through that again.

A knock on the door broke Elena out of her thoughts. She walked over to get it and opened it to see Elijah on her doorstep.

"Elena." He said smiling as he gazed lovingly at her.

"Elijah." She replied and pulled him in for a kiss. Elijah's arms wrapped around her as he deepened the kiss.

When Elena pulled back she asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I thought maybe we could walk to school, since it's such a beautiful morning."

Elena pouted. "Oh, so it wasn't to see me?" She teased.

Elijah pretended to think for a moment. "Well, maybe there was that too."

Elena giggled and went back into the house to grab her school bag. She came back to the door and took Elijah's hand. His hand recoiled slightly.

She noticed and frowned. "Are you Ok?"

Elijah smiled. "I'm fine, it's just I've never really done this sort of thing before. I mean me and the word 'boyfriend' don't really seem to mix. I feel like I'm going to mess it up."

Elena pecked him on the lips lightly. "You're doing fine."

Together they started walking down the footpath towards the high school, hand in hand.

"I can't believe I didn't want to be with you. That would have been the worst mistake of my life." Elijah said.

"Well what matters if we're together now."

Elijah lifted Elena's hand to his lips. "Always and forever."


Kol was rushing Bonnie from the doorway since she had slept in late, again.

"Come on, darling. You're going to be late for school." Kol said, amused.

"It's your fault since you turned up at my door at midnight last night." Bonnie replied, but without any malice in her voice.

"Yeah, but you were the one who insisted on staying up and making out and then made me leave in the early hours of the morning. What the neighbors must think!"

Bonnie made her way to the door and hit him. Kol laughed at her and took her hand and together they walked to her car.

Kol opened the driver's side door for her but Bonnie slid into the passenger's seat. Kol looked at her, confused.

"Well, is my boyfriend driving me to school or what? As I remember you offered to do that not so long ago."

Kol's confused look was replaced by a grin.

"Of course. Although you should know, I like to drive fast." Kol said as he got in.

Bonnie chuckled. "Why am I not surprised?"

Just then they saw an elderly women walking along the path and she stopped next to the car and leaned down to the window. It was Bonnie's neighbor, Mrs Morrison.

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