8. Unwanted

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"Bonnie, since you've bought your dress, I can get a corsage that matches. What do you think?" Kol asked as he stood outside her window.

Once Bonnie had recovered after seeing him at her front door, she slammed it in his face and went back to her room, hoping he would go away. But he wasn't giving up that easy.

Kol had moved around to stand in front of her window so he could continue to talk to her. Actually, if he'd been invited in, he would probably be in her room right now. Bonnie immediately shut her curtains so she couldn't see him.

She went back to her homework, but that was proving almost impossible with Kol's constant pestering.

"A white and greyish one so it matches your dress. That's what people do for these Proms right?" Kol asked. "Strange how I'm a thousand years old, yet I've never been to a Prom before."

"You'll be waiting even longer because you aren't going with me." Bonnie said.

"Don't be like that sweetheart. I'm not taking no as an answer. Just give in Bonnie!"

Bonnie groaned in annoyance.

"Kol, go away!" She yelled.

"Not likely!" He yelled back.

Bonnie had an idea. "I'll find a spell that will make you leave."

There had to be one in her grimoire. Maybe she could do a spell that kept him away from the house, like the one Esther used to stop the vampires leaving the decade dance all those months ago.

"I'd love to see you try, darling." Kol said sarcastically.

Bonnie grabbed her grimoire and flicked through it, looking for anything that could help. After about 10 minutes she came across a spell called "Banishing an Unwanted Admirer." She smiled. Perfect.

"You'd be doing your school a favour by bringing me as your Prom date, you know. I'd make Prom so much more fun!" Kol said, stroking his own ego.

But Bonnie wasn't paying attention. She was setting some candles on the floor. The spell required her to burn some vervain leaves in the flames and say the chant from the grimoire. She grabbed the vervain and sat in the middle of the candles and began to chant.

Kol heard her. "What are you doing in there? You aren't seriously trying a spell to get rid of me?" He asked amused.

Bonnie continued to chant, her voice getting louder as the vervain leaves shrivelled in the flames.

"Bonnie?" Kol said, all amusement gone from his voice.

The flames increased and increased until suddenly Bonnie stopped chanting, the spell finished. The flames returned to normal. Bonnie opened her eyes and smiled. She hoped that it had worked.

She went to her window and opened the curtains, to see if Kol was gone. But he was still standing there. When he saw her he grinned.

"Why hello. I'm not sure, but I don't think your spell worked." He said chuckling.

Bonnie stared at him shocked. Why hadn't it worked? She went through the spell in her head. She had done everything right. The only thing that would stop the spell from getting rid of the "unwanted admirer" was if…

The admirer wasn't actually "unwanted."

Bonnie gasped internally. No, that couldn't be true. She despised Kol. Especially since he'd started pursuing her. She didn't believe for a second that she might actually "like" him! She felt reassured.

But still annoyed that the spell hadn't worked.

"Please, Kol just go away." Bonnie begged.

He grinned cheekily. "I will if you agree to go to Prom with me."

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