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"Um, excuse me?!" Bonnie said in disbelief.

"Prom. Will you go with me?" Kol said bluntly.

Bonnie stared at him stunned. "You can't be serious!" she shrieked.

Kol looked at Bonnie puzzled. "Of course I'm serious Miss Bennett. Do I look like I'm joking?"

"But we've never even talked before! Come to think of it, I don't think we've even met!"

Kol chuckled. "Well we can change that if you'll go to prom with me. So what do you say?"

Bonnie still didn't know if he was being serious. For all she knew this could be some vampire trick. But anyway he was evil and an original. She couldn't believe he thought she would want to go with him.

"Absolutely not!" Bonnie said loudly before slamming the door in Kol's face. Bonnie shook her head. What the hell had just happened?

Kol was still standing right in front of Bonnie's door. Now it was his turn to be in disbelief. She had said no. She hadn't agreed to go with him. The Bennett witch had said no to him. Kol Mikaelson! Kol couldn't believe it. He always got whatever girl he wanted. Not that he actually wanted this witch but that didn't take away from the fact that she had rejected him. Kol's expression became frustrated. This girl was going to go to Prom with him. He had to do it, for his pride and his reputation. He was going to woo her until she was his. Unbeknownst to her, Bonnie had just made this Kol's most exciting game ever.


Elena was making lunch and looked at the time. 1 minute to 12. Stefan and Damon had called her an hour ago to tell her they were coming over at 12. Of course they didn't ask if she wanted them to or if she had plans for the day. They were just coming over and she had to accept it. Elena sat down at the table, eating her lunch and stared at the second hand on the clock. 15 seconds. They really had to learn that she was her own person and could make her own decisions. 10 seconds. She's a vampire now! Doesn't that mean she can take care of herself? 5 seconds. Why couldn't they just leave her alone! The second hand hit the 12 and right on cue Stefan and Damon opened the front door and walked in.

"Elena, are you ok?" Stefan asked with a frown on his face. Elena couldn't remember the last time he had smiled.

"I'm perfectly fine, thanks a lot." Elena said rolling her eyes. Damon came round the corner and into the kitchen. He had done a check of the house to make sure Elena was truly safe.

"The house is fine! No one would have had the courage to come in with two vampires and a very powerful witch inside." Elena complained.

Damon took a seat on the couch and crossed his feet on a small coffee table. "Oh yeah, your 'girls night in'. Did you gossip about us?" Damon said giving Elena his signature smirk.

"Yes actually. I told them how frustrated you're making me." Elena said glaring at Damon.

"Elena, we are only trying to protect you." Stefan said seriously.

"Well, Stefan I don't care. From now on I am making my own decisions. Like the fact that I'm going by myself to Prom." Elena said.

"You can't go unprotected!" Stefan said raising his voice.

Damon laughed once. "Yeah, given our track record for high school dances there is no way one of us isn't going with you."

"Just stop it ok! Stop deciding how I'm going to live my life!" Elena yelled. She had had enough. She ran out the front door and headed towards the Mystic Falls city centre using her vampire speed, tears streaming down her face. When she got there she sat on a park bench and tried wiping the tears from her face. Why wouldn't they listen to her? Why didn't they understand? By loving her, they were destroying her.

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