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"You haven't heard from Elena have you?" Caroline asked Bonnie at break on Wednesday morning. Elena wasn't at school and Caroline was very worried. She had called and messaged Elena so many times but she wasn't responding.

"No, I haven't. But she's fine, she'll just be sick or something." Bonnie said casually.

Caroline wasn't convinced. She decided to go around there this afternoon after cheerleading practice to check on her.

"Wow. Someone's campaigning hard." Bonnie said a minute later. Caroline followed her gaze and saw Rebekah and Matt standing on one side of the hallway. Rebekah would smile and say "Vote Matt and Rebekah for Prom King and Queen." at students who passed by. Matt, however looked very reluctant but was going along with it. Caroline and Bonnie laughed at Matt's expression.

"That's what you get when you're on team 'Original Barbie'" Caroline giggled. Rebekah turned and saw them.

She called out, "Only a couple more days to Prom! I have your vote right, Caroline and Bonnie?"

They tried to hold in their laughter. "Sure, Rebekah. Of course." Caroline said and Bonnie nodded.

Rebekah smiled in response. "Thanks guys."

Caroline and Bonnie walked down the corridor to their lockers. Caroline got her books out and was just closing it when Tyler appeared beside her.

"Tyler!" She said startled.

"Do you want to go to Prom with me?" He asked bluntly.

Caroline stared at him. "I don't even get a hello?"

Tyler took a deep breath. "Hello Caroline." He said humouring her.

"Hello. And the answer is no. I won't go to Prom with you. Bye Tyler." She walked off to her next class with Bonnie.

Tyler's hand gripped into a fist as he watched her walk off. He tried to calm down as he walked away. It wouldn't be good to 'wolf out' in the middle of the school hallway.


That afternoon Caroline and Rebekah were warming up for cheerleading practice.

A couple of minutes in, Caroline asked "So are you and Matt a couple or what?"

Rebekah blushed. "Well he hasn't officially asked me out or anything. We've had a couple dates and we're going to Prom together but I don't really know how he really feels."

They saw Matt, Tyler and the football team coming onto the field for football practice.

"Look there he is. Why don't you go and find out?" Caroline said with a smile.

Rebekah took a deep breath and walked over to the football team. Matt looked up and Rebekah walked right up and kissed him. Matt was surprised but he began kissing her back. When they pulled apart the rest of the football team and the cheerleaders were applauding and wolf whistling. Rebekah shared a look with Matt before walking back over to the cheerleaders. A couple of the footballers slapped Matt on the back with pride as Matt smiled giddily.

When Rebekah arrived back, Caroline said "I think he likes you back." and Rebekah grinned.

Practice passed quickly and when it ended, Rebekah ran back over to Matt. Caroline walked to the parking lot to go home. She saw a figure standing next to her car. As she got closer she saw it was Klaus.

"Love, you should have told me earlier you were such a good cheerleader. I would have come months ago." He said when she was close enough.

Caroline raised an eyebrow. "You watched me?"

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