12. Compliments

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Saturday had finally arrived. It was the day of the Prom and Elena felt better than she had all week. She spent the morning doing small things to prepare for the Prom, like painting her nails and shaving her legs. She also called Caroline, telling her that she was much better and would talk to her about it at the Prom that evening.

After lunch, she washed her hair and as she was drying it, her mind fell back to Elijah. She knew that they had no future but she didn't want to leave it like they had. Just like he decided she deserved an explanation, she decided he needed a proper goodbye. She also wanted to know if they could still be friends. But she couldn't face him in person.

Then an idea struck her. She would write him a letter. She got a piece of lined paper and a pen.

It was done in 5 minutes. The words just flowed right out of her and onto the page as though she was speaking them to him.

Elena put it in an envelope and wrote "Elijah" on the front.

Satisfied, she drove to the Mikaelson Mansion and walked up to it.

Taking a deep breath, Elena slid the letter underneath the front door. She lingered for a moment then turned and left again, hoping that Elijah read it and they at least could leave things on a pleasant note.
It was only early afternoon but Rebekah had her bubble-gum pink dress on already. Just like she did for the homecoming dance.

But this time she hoped she didn't get stabbed in the back by Elena.

She was just about to put some lipstick on when there was a knock on the door.

"Go away." She called out but the door swung open anyway and Kol walked in.

"Rebekah, the Prom isn't for hours!" He said when he saw her already dressed.

"What do you want Kol?" Rebekah asked, annoyed.

"I just wanted to inform you that Bonnie agreed to go to Prom with me. So it looks like you'll be fronting up on the slave for a month thing." He gloated.

"Not necessarily. You still have to get a photo, dance with her and the most important part. The kiss on the dance floor." Rebekah reminded.

Kol waved a hand at her. "That will be no problem whatsoever. And I've got her a corsage too which I must say is perfect."

Rebekah turned back to her mirror. "Whatever." She said indifferently. Then she remembered something and handed an envelope to Kol without looking at him.

"Give this to Elijah, will you. I found it slid under the front door. I'm guessing it's a love letter from the doppelganger."

Kol frowned at it. "Love letter? Since when is Elijah with the Salvatore's pet?" He said referring to Elena.

"I don't know and I really don't care. Now leave me alone." Rebekah said dismissively.

Kol turned and left her room and Rebekah slammed the door shut so she wouldn't be disturbed any further.

He walked down to Elijah's room; his door was always closed nowadays.

Kol knocked and slid the letter under the door. "Delivery for you, Elijah." He said before walking away, whistling to himself.

In the darkness of his room, Elijah went and picked up the letter. Cradling it in his hands he immediately knew it was from Elena. What could she possibly want to say to him? Was it how much she hated him? How happy she was about him being in constant sadness?

He wouldn't read it.

Elijah held the letter in his hand, a reminder of everything he had done.
"Caroline, what time are we getting there to do final set up for Prom?" Rebekah asked over the phone. Caroline had been curling her hair when she got the call from the blonde original.

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