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Bonnie woke up on Tuesday morning and opened her eyes slowly. She was hoping it was still dark outside meaning she didn't have to get up yet. But to her disappointment, sunlight drifted through the bottoms of her curtains. She groaned and hit her pillow against her head. Knowing she had to get ready for school, Bonnie reluctantly took the pillow down and slid out of bed with only one eye open. She dragged her feet over to her window and wearily opened the curtains. She noticed something outside the window, red things lying on her front lawn. Bonnie's forehead crinkled with confusion. What was going on?

She walked out of her room and down the hallway to the front door. She went outside, slightly embarrassed since she was still in her pyjamas. She saw the small red things lying on the green grass in some kind of formation. Bonnie was still confused until she realised what the things said. Her mouth popped open in shock when she realised they were rose petals and they read the word "Prom?"

Bonnie was speechless as she stared at the word. She suddenly wondered if she was dreaming. Slowly lowering herself to the ground, she gently picked up one of the petals. It felt real enough. She held it up to her nose and smelt the beautiful fragrance. Ok so she wasn't dreaming but now she wondered who had done this. Certainly not -, she could barely make herself think the words. Certainly not…Kol Mikaelson?! Bonnie shook her head. No, it had to be someone else. Some kid from school being funny or something. Bonnie went back inside to get ready for school. She was running late and decided she'd clean the petals away this afternoon, though she did find herself admitting the whole thing was kind of romantic.


Bonnie, Elena and Caroline sat at a table in the cafeteria eating lunch when Bonnie finally decided to ask the question that was bugging her.

"You don't know who would have the daring or the cheek to ask me to Prom by making a sign out of rose petals would you?" Bonnie said, even to herself the question sounded crazy.

"What are you talking about?" Elena asked.

"When I woke up this morning I found the word Prom with a question mark made out of rose petals sitting on my front lawn. It's still there; I haven't cleaned it up yet."

"Wow, creative." Caroline said impressed.

"So you wouldn't have any idea who might have done it?" Bonnie asked.

Elena thought for a moment. "Jeremy?"

Caroline snorted. "Jeremy would not have the nerve to do something like this."

"And I don't think it was Jamie, he seems to have completely gone off me." Bonnie said sadly.

"Well then it was a secret admirer! You'll have to wait to see what they do next!" Caroline said with enthusiasm and Elena laughed. Bonnie smiled too but all she was thinking was that maybe her 'secret admirer' wasn't so secret at all.


Bonnie's worst fears were confirmed when she saw a figure leaning against her car as she walked to it after school that afternoon. He was wearing a leather jacket and dark jeans and had a smirk set upon his face. Bonnie stopped and looked around. Good thing Caroline and Elena were already gone. She looked for a way out of this situation. But seeing none, she took a deep breath and continued to walk to her car. As she got closer Kol looked up and smiled. Bonnie kept her expression completely straight as she stopped in front of the ancient vampire.

"Can you move? I'm trying to get to my car." Bonnie said rather coldly.

Kol smiled. "Did you like my sign I left on your lawn? Quite ingenious if I must say so myself."

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