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Elijah in his tuxedo looked very dashing. He took in Elena's purple dress for moment before returning his gaze to her eyes.

"I came for your forgiveness. I am so sorry for what I have done. Your letter made me realize everything."

"Realize what?" Elena asked.

Elijah took a step closer to her. "My feelings for you aren't wrong. You are nothing like Tatia or Katerina. You are your own person and I love you not because of what you look like but because of who you are. The most kind-hearted person I have ever met. I know you probably hate me for turning up here when I have been so cruel to you but-"

Elena stopped him by kissing him. His shock only lasted a second before he kissed her back passionately.

"I love you too." Elena said once they pulled apart.

Elijah looked amazed before his face fell into a large grin.

He pulled out a corsage with purple flowers and a light purple ribbon.

"I didn't have time, obviously, to get you a real corsage but I went outside into our flower garden and I found these. I got the ribbon from Rebekah's room. I know it's not much -"

"It's perfect." Elena said and he tied it on her wrist.

"You look wonderful, Elena." Elijah complimented. Elena smiled her thanks and she took his hand and together they walked over to the gym, their hearts soaring at finally being together.


Rebekah really had done a good job. The gym looked fantastic in the fairy tale theme.

The room was filling up with students and Klaus and Caroline were standing near the entrance, waiting for Elena and Bonnie.

Caroline was wringing her hands, nervously.

"Love, are you alright?" Klaus asked, watching her.

"I'm OK, but I'm freaking out about what Elena and Bonnie are going to think."

"Think about what?"

Caroline gave him a look. "About me bringing you of course."

Klaus laughed. "I wouldn't worry about that. I believe they're going to take it very well."

"No they're not! They're going to -"

But Caroline cut off when she saw Bonnie walk into the gym. She wasn't alone. She was walking in with Kol.

Bonnie saw Caroline and smiled. But a second later she saw Klaus and the smile fell off her face.

The two couples came together and Caroline and Bonnie gaped at each other.

"I, how, who, you, Kol, what!" Caroline stuttered out, her eyes moving from Bonnie to Kol.

"You're here with Klaus?!" Bonnie cried, equally surprised.

Klaus and Kol smiled at each other in amusement then Kol took Caroline's hand and kissed it.

"You look incredible, Caroline."

"Same to you, Bonnie." Klaus said.

Bonnie and Caroline were still staring at each other in shock.

"And look who else has arrived." Kol said pointing to the entrance way Elena and Elijah had just walked in. They saw the others and moved over to them. Elena looked at Klaus and Kol and she looked very confused.

"Glad you made it Elijah. And as for you Elena, you look stunning." Klaus complimented.

"Um, thank you?" Elena said slowly, bewildered.

Three TuxedosWhere stories live. Discover now