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Bonnie sat up in bed, yawning. When she felt like she might be able to face the day she got ready for school. She slung her bag over her shoulder and opened her front door.

She froze when she saw Kol standing on the porch.

"Morning, sweetheart." He said, moving over to her and before she could stop him he placed a kiss on her hand.

Bonnie snapped her hand away. "What are you doing here!?" She exclaimed.

"I came to offer you a lift to school."

"Thanks but no thanks." Bonnie said and moved around him towards her car.

Kol chuckled. "I thought not, but it doesn't hurt to try, does it?" He said following her.

"And stop with the romantic gestures. It's seriously annoying!"

Kol smirked. "They're romantic are they?" he asked smugly. "I would but you haven't agreed to go with me to Prom." He paused and put particular emphasis on the word "Yet."

Bonnie glared at him and got in her car and Kol closed the door for her.

"I'll be back after school. I've got something I want to ask you."

"The answer is no." She said icily.

"You just wait to hear what it is before saying no." Kol said with confidence. Bonnie shook her head and drove out of her driveway, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly in anger.

Kol waved after her before getting into his own car and leaving, smiling to himself the entire time.


At school, Caroline, Elena and Bonnie were sitting at a table eating lunch. Elena noticed that her friends seemed upset. Caroline wasn't her usual bubbly self. Instead she seemed sad and hadn't said much all day. Bonnie on the other hand was angry and bit her head off whenever Elena tried to make conversation.

Eventually the silence became overwhelming.

"I know what will cheer you up." Elena began enthusiastically. "We should go Prom dress shopping in Charlottesville this Saturday. We'll make a day of it."

Caroline's head popped up and her mood seemed to lighten. "I'd be up for that."

"Me too." Bonnie said, anything to get her mind off Kol.

By the end of the lunch hour, the three of them had discussed what type of dresses they wanted and what type of shoes would go with them. Elena was glad she had managed to cheer them up, even if it was only slightly. She didn't want herself getting happier just as her friends were getting sadder and angrier.


Bonnie was full of dread as she drove home. She arrived at her house and not surprisingly saw Kol standing on her porch. She got out of the car, planning to rush inside the house and ignore him until he left.

She strode towards her front door. Kol looked up as she approached.

"Bonnie, lovely to see you."

She hurried past him.

"What would you say to dinner at a restaurant this Saturday?" He continued.

Bonnie stopped, in the doorway and turned to face him.

"I'm going Prom dress shopping this Saturday. So even if I wanted to go, which I don't, I can't."

Kol took this in for a moment before saying enthusiastically, "But don't you see this is perfect! You'll be going to Charlottesville for your dresses right? Well afterwards you can meet me at a restaurant there!" He laughed, pleased with his plan and kissed her cheek.

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