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"You were surprised that I put your painting up?" Caroline exclaimed. She and Klaus were eating at the restaurant and the conversation hadn't stopped once. It surprised them both how comfortable they felt around each other.

"Well I was uncertain about how you felt about me. I thought you might be yelling at me the next day 'you and your romantic drawings can leave me alone.'" Klaus said quoting her from the talk they'd had a couple months ago.

Caroline smiled remembering. "Things are a lot different now."

"Because you are no longer with Tyler?"

Caroline nodded. "That and I've finally accepted my feelings for you."

Klaus locked his gaze with Caroline's. They stared at each other for a long time. There was so much they communicated just by looking at each other. They had a connection with their eyes like no one else had.

Klaus beamed and took Caroline's hand. "I am glad to hear you say that, love."

He leaned in and the two of them kissed softly.

Klaus chuckled when they pulled apart. "Now I just wish you would accept my suggestion of us going to Prom together."

"You know that's the fourth time you've asked me to Prom."

Klaus laughed. "What can I say? I'm persistent."

Caroline smiled for a moment before it fell from her face. "I don't think I'm ready to take us public just yet."

"Why not? What have we got to lose?" Klaus asked.

Caroline looked up at him. "Elena and Bonnie for one. They aren't going to take this well. Not with everything you've done. I've been lying to them too." She said sadly.

"Oh, I'm sure they've got secrets of their own." He said thinking of Elena and Elijah and Kol and Bonnie.

Caroline titled her head, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing." KLaus said quickly. "Now eat up. You're dinners getting cold." He went back to his own dinner.

Caroline's eyes narrowed suspiciously but she decided to let it go.


Kol drove up to Bonnie's house and stopped outside. He looked out at it, noting that her car was in the driveway.

He smiled. Bonnie was home.

Kol got out of the car and walked up to the house. He knocked on the door firmly.

Bonnie looked up when she heard the knock. Who could that be at this hour? She came out of her bedroom and walked over to the door. She opened it slowly. Her eyes widened as she took in Kol, standing on her porch.

"What are you-" She began but Kol interrupted her.

"Good evening Bonnie. Or not such a good evening as I would have it. You left me waiting at that restaurant. I didn't take that very well."

Bonnie's eyes flicked around, astonished. "I well, I don't-" She stuttered.

"So I figured, I'd come and we'd have our date here. Does that sound good to you?"

Bonnie stared at him, speechless. Her mouth moved but was unable to form words.

He just didn't give up did he!


Elena sat on her couch, waiting. She was nervous.

Why was she nervous? It was Elijah! There was nothing to be worried about, right?

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