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It was Saturday morning and the three girls were meeting at Caroline's house for their trip to Charlottesville. They were going to take Bonnie's car.

Caroline heard a car pull up to the house.

"Ok, have a great day honey." Liz said and pulled her daughter in for hug. She was pleased to see that Caroline seemed cheered up from last night.

"Bye Mom, I'll be home this afternoon." Caroline said, grabbed her handbag and left the house. Elena had just stepped out of her car and walked over to Caroline.

"Hey!" Elena said.

"Hi Elena."

"How are you feeling?" Elena asked.

"Good. I'm feeling a lot better."

"What changed?"

Caroline froze. She couldn't tell Elena about what was going on with her and Klaus.

"Just had a good night's sleep is all." Caroline lied. At which point Bonnie pulled up in her car and Caroline was glad for the distraction.

"Hey Bonnie!" Caroline called. Caroline and Elena walked over to Bonnie's car and climbed in.

"So are we ready to go?" Bonnie asked, turning her head to the others.

Caroline nodded and Elena said. "Yes."

Bonnie pulled out from the curb and they headed in the direction of Charlottesville, an exciting day of shopping ahead.


The girls arrived at the shopping centre in Charlottesville. They tried a few dress shops but didn't find any dresses they liked. They decided to go have lunch and then try some more.

Caroline found her dress in the first shop after lunch. It was electric blue, floor length and strapless. On the front, down the left side, was a row of white flowers. Caroline beamed with her choice.

"This dress is amazing." She gushed as they walked out of the shop.

It was the middle of the afternoon and Elena and Bonnie were beginning to give up hope of finding the perfect dress. Caroline was determined to help them though. They had left the shopping centre in the hope of finding a nice dress shop in one of the streets. They came across one and Caroline dragged them into it.

"Caroline, there aren't any good dresses in here." Elena said unhappily. Bonnie looked around, unimpressed.

"Of course there are! Now get looking." Caroline ordered. Elena and Bonnie sighed and went looking around the racks, trying to find a dress.


Klaus and Kol walked into the tuxedo hire. There were racks of tuxedos, dressing rooms and a showing area at the back.

The store's owner came over to them.

"How can I help you today?" He asked.

"We're going to need three tuxedos for a special occasion." Klaus said.

Kol looked at Klaus, puzzled. "Three tuxedos?"

"One for you, one for me, and one for Elijah. I talked Elijah out of his measurements last night."

"But why do you and Elijah need one?" Kol asked.

"Well, just like you brother, I have hopes that I might be attending the school Prom. As for Elijah, let's just say I have a feeling he'll be attending too." Klaus said, smirking.

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