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Caroline and Elena stayed the rest of the day then left that evening. Bonnie had convinced them she'd be just as miserable with them there than if they were at home in their own beds.

Their goodbye consisted of a lot of hugging and then the two of them left for their own homes.

Caroline came through the front door to her house and saw her mom Liz in the kitchen.

"Caroline! Hey, how are you." Liz asked.

"I'm alright. It's just been a hard weekend."

"Really? How was Prom?"

"Um, shocking, I think would be the right word." Caroline said.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Were you at Klaus's last night and today?"

Caroline looked startled. "Why would I be at Klaus's? I slept over at Bonnie's with Elena."

Liz raised an eyebrow. "You don't have to lie to me, Caroline. I know what goes on after Prom."

Caroline's eyes widened as she realized what her Mom meant.

"No, really. I was at Bonnie's. Her date, Kol, he only asked her to Prom to win a bet."

Liz nodded slowly, not believing her. "Ok, Caroline sure."

Caroline couldn't believe she was having this conversation with her mother.

She stormed off to her bedroom in a huff. She put her Prom dress in her closet and hung Klaus's corsage with it. She then changed out of the clothes she had borrowed from Bonnie. She brushed her hair and then she heard a voice.


Caroline turned and saw Klaus standing by the window.

"You didn't get startled at all that time." He noted.

Caroline smiled slightly. "I guess I'm not scared of you anymore."

Klaus moved towards her. "Well that's good. You don't need to be scared. Like I said to your mother, I'll never hurt you."

"Not even like Kol hurt Bonnie?" Caroline asked, a hint of malice in her voice.

"Ah, my brother. No not even like Kol hurt Bonnie."

"Because I've been over at Bonnie's last night and all of today and she's a wreck. And he came with an absolute pathetic excuse for an apology."

"Believe me, Kol has never felt like this before. This is all new to him. Especially apologizing."

Caroline looked at the ground and folded her arms. Klaus pulled her into an embrace.

"Love, are you Ok?"

"This isn't how Prom was supposed to be!" Caroline cried. "Prom is supposed to be the last big celebration of high school before we graduate and go out into the world. And for the rest of eternity, Elena and I are going to remember it as the time when Bonnie got her heart broken by both our boyfriend's brother."

Klaus let go of Caroline and turned away.

"I'm sorry. This is just one more thing that vampires have ruined." He began, quietly. "If we weren't here you and Elena wouldn't be vampires and the three of you would just have normal, happy lives without us ever interfering."

Caroline looked alarmed by his sudden change of direction. "Why are you talking like this?"

"I can leave you alone if you want. My whole family and I can leave. All you have to do is ask."

Caroline's eyes widened. "No, I would never want that!" Caroline moved over to him and put her hands on either side of his face.

"Listen to me. I don't think I could live without you." She said.

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