Jimmy Fallon.

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Riley West.

"How did you feel when it happened?" Jimmy asks.

"I was scared, I'll admit. I mean, you hear about people robbing celebrities and other people, but you never think it would ever happen to you. It was scary. It still is." I explain.

"It had to been. How are you feeling now?" He asks.

I let out a shaky breath. "I'm still a little shaken. I don't really leave the house unless I have my Dad, or James." I tell him.

"James? That's your new bodyguard right?" Jimmy says.

I nod. "He is. He's close to my age, him being 26 and me being 18. He's married with a child. I absolutely adore his babygirl. She's too cute."

Jimmy shows a picture of all of us together with me holding Jasmine, James' daughter. I smile and awe myself at the picture.

"Happy times," I comment.

The interview went on until we played a game. It was life size jenga and boy was it fun!


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