Who's Maddy-Nobodys pov

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I just thought you should know first, Yes Conner does go to school with Rhydian and Maddy he is just not in the same classes and he's a year older then both of them so he doesn't see them in the hall very much.


Rhydian and his family were sitting at the table, eating something vegetarian much to rhydians distaste. His brother conner sat staring at him slightly with a glare, rhydian of course noticed but said nothing. Conner swallowed down the last piece of food he had and said "So who's maddy?", rhydian glanced in between his parents and answered simply "a girl". His brother took a breath "but how do you know her?", rhydian still tried to keep his answer short "school of course". "How did you become friends with her?" he pressed on, rhydian was no fool and he could tell what was going on. His brother had an obvious interest in maddy smith. "We just have a lot in common, now just let it go already" He sneered.

Rhydian had to be honest, he was a little uncomfortable that his brother seemed to fancy maddy. And he knew he had to be honest with her, of course she would find out eventually that his brother did indeed fancy her. But it just seemed better to rhydian to have her on the look out. "Hey. Madz!" rhydian called as he ran to catch her before she walked up her drive way, "I need to talk to ya" he called again as he started to slow to a stop. She paused and turned around "well hurry it up cause I got to be home for dinner, so whats got your tongue", rhydian stood in front of her awkwardly "well my brother...Kinda fancys you". She looked around for a few moments "and your tellin me why?" she whispered secretively, joking none the less. "Cause I just want you to be out on the look out, ya know?" rhydian answered seriously and maddys joke dropped and she smiled "glad to know I'm under government protection" she joked once again. Rhydian grew a smile and laughed along with her, "just be safe madz, be safe" he said while his laughing died down. She nodded and grabbed his hand "do you want to come have dinner with me family rhyd?" she asked and he nodded, seemed like it was his turn to joke around. He slowly swung her hand back and forth, making stupid comments that made maddy laugh as they walked up her driveway. 'My brother would be so jealous if he was her right now' rhydian thought.

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