Your like me?-Rhydians pov

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I glared at the whispering people as i stood up, 'Who cares if some smelly girl fell on me? Not me obviously. Some people just need to mind their own nonsense' i thought to myself. I continued toward the school doors, rushing past most of the kids. Then the bell went off. I shrugged it off and kept walking, pushing past the doors and walking past my class. "Erm...uh...your class is this way" a girl said tapping me "Don't care" i grumbled moving forward. "Rude" she whispered unaware that i could hear her "what a freak" another kid chuckled. The tardy bell rang then "ill go back in three minutes or so" i mumbled.

Three minutes or so later

I stuck my hands in my jean pockets and walked back towards my class, stopping when i entered the room. "And class that's how....Oh...class this is..." his voiced trailed off as if he was expecting me to tell him, i sighed "Rhydian". "Well rhydian are ya welsh, rhydian sounds like a welsh name" the teacher asked cheerfully, i shook my head weirdly at him and the class laughed "Not welsh ay?" I shook my head again. "Oh..well then go find a seat" he mumbled seeming to be done with it, i took a step forward. I slowly walked towards the back, making sure i slowed down to glare at smelly girl. I walked faster and faster before i crashed into the last seat, covering my face with my arms. I thought about everything i did earlier that day....

Earlier that day....

Rhydian yawned, turning over in his bed. Not preparing for what was striking him at that moment, AT ALL! " bettea get up or mums gonna fret" his new brother, conner, said meekly. "Why?" rhydian asked sleepily, turning again to face his new substitute brother. "We got school" he answerd as he stuffed a half eaten banna in his mouth. In a lot of ways he was A LOT like rhydian, other ways he was completely different. "Mr morris...MR MORRIS"

Out of flashback

"Oh...erm...What was the question?"

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