"Rhydian! Wait!" I yelled as I ran after him, faster then I ever had before. "Don't worry I'm leaving your precious territory" he laughed bitterly
"no don't, I was wrong. Come back to the pack and we wont question ya again!" I begged. He made a strange face
"I'm not going back to be pushed around by some smelly girl" he yelled, quite loudly and took off in the other direction. His feet, well you could barley see them. I defiantly couldn't out run him, that was for sure. I groaned, exhaling slowly before remembering something. There was a path around here. "Aha!" I cheered before taking off threw it.
"Rhydian" I screamed again, having thought I caught a glimpse of him. I stopped in the middle of the clearing, "I'm gonna kill em" I mumbled angrily. "Yer gonna have to catch me to do that" I heard him say from above, I looked up to see him laughing hysterically. I frowned and watched as his feet met the ground, he kept running. I groaned again following him, "Oh yer gonna get rhydian" I snapped.
Dashing after him I managed to tackle him, down a hill. "Ow, madz" he glowered before realizing he called me madz in the first place. I jumped off him, me being the one laughing hysterically this time. "you....just called...me...madz" I said in between laughter. "Oh get over it" he glowered
I stood up as did he "Fine... ill stay for now. But don't think i'm promising to stay forever or anything like that." he managed to get out, I grinned and thought for a minute. "I think i'm forgetting something" I said devilishly "Wha-....OY" i pushed him down into the snow "What was that for" he asked, out of breath. "For running away" I stated directly confident. He clashed into me that moment, payback I guess.
"Have you heard of bearnies?" I asked curiously as we walked threw town, the snow falling directly on top of are hair. He shook his head and I grinned again "Ya want me to show you where it is?" I asked and he shrugged. "What bout your friends?" he asked. "Oh, their not coming." he seemed to grin at that.

Wolfblood: The new story
أدب الهواةMaddy smiths world was turned upside down because of him. She was also his savior. Will the simple stress of the world cave in on them? or will rhydian be driven out of stonybridge by maddys friends entirely.