Jealousy-Conners Pov

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If anyone was curious, yes conner does go to the same school as rhydian or conner. He is just older then both of them so he doesn't see him much.


Maddys words stung my ear as I walked home "Would you like to come have dinner with me parents?"  she had asked him a hour ago. I happened to be walking by when I heard them talking, lets just say I felt like snooping a bit, but whatever im sixteen I can do what I want. I still didn't get why maddy wanted to be friends with him, im the older one. Girls are supposed to like boys older then them, right?

"Rhyd stop being such a moan" I heard Maddy say, towards rhydian most likely. "Im not bein a moan madz" he answered stupidly "rhydian really its gonna be fine". Their voices were catching up with me "Your just sayin that cause you haven't met em" he laughed bitterly. I turned to look around for a place to hide, yet all I saw was forest. Forest! I looked back to see both of them getting closer and ran into the forest, to hide.

They seemed to be talking about themselves mostly and meeting my parents, it didn't seem like something rhydian would do but I've only known him for two days so what would I know. Maddy has only known him for a few hours and she looked like she knew about everything there is to know about him, strange. I took a deep breath and both their heads seemed to turn, could they have heard me? No, no human could have heard that. (haha, yea human) rhydian rolled his eyes and turned back to talking to maddy, he muttered something under his breath from what I saw. The next thing I saw blinded my eyes, man girls can do so many terrible things sometimes. She leaned up, giggled, and kissed him on the cheek. He grinned slightly, right now my chances were looking pretty slim.

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