A Look Into The Furture~Nobodys pov

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Just a sneak peak. Ya know something to have you thinking about =) enjoy!!!!


First sneak peak

Maddy jumped to her feet when her door bell rang, running over to the door and opening it with ease. "Hey rhyd!" Maddy smiled excitedly. Rhydian gave a shy smile as maddy began to pull him over to her couch, grabbing the movie case from the table all the while. "So what are we watching?" he asked as maddy bent down to put the cd in the movie player. "Hercules, it was the first movie you ever watched right?" she asked him "Yea it was, I mean it is" he answered. She stood up and shuffled slowly over to the couch, laying down  with her knees to her chest. Rhydian chuckled, leaning his arm on the side of the couch. "Press play please" she asked kindly, watching as he reached for the remote. "Shhh madz, its starting".

A half an hour later

"If theres a price for rotten judgment, i think i've already won that. No man is worth the aggravation, thats ancient history been there done that" the movie sang. Maddy sat up, yawning. "You look tired" rhydian mumbled, taking his eyes away from the screen to look at maddy. "Im fine!" she exclaimed, though there was really no need for it. "This scene wont play, i wont say im in love." The movie sang again. Maddy rolled her eyes "she needs to wolf up and tell him already" maddy ranted, annoyed. "Thats the point of the movie madz, she cant tell him because he has to save her first." Rhydian replyed "oh and then she tells him" maddy gestured with her hands. "If i was her i would just kiss him already" she stated, swinging her legs back over the couch and yawning. "I bet you wouldn't, your mum even still calls you a cub." Rhydian grinned, noticing maddys annoyed eyes. "Im fifteen rhydian, im not a cub. And i can prove it" she smiled like she had proven someone wrong. She leaned up and brought rhydians face to hers, keeping it there for a good five seconds (Maybe six or seven...or ten). She pulled away and grinned "would a cub do that?" she asked him smartly. "No, defiently not. Maybe we should watch this movie over again" he spoke out loud. She fake gasped and slapped rhydian in the arm "Come on dont be such a guy rhydian', "sorry" he smiled. "Just admit you were kinda happy that happened" he spoke, looking at her. "Alright, maybe a bit happy" she admited.


Second sneak peak


"Happy Birthday Maddy!!!" Tom, Shannon, Maddys parents, The k's, Rhydian, and Jimi & his friends yelled as she came down in her pj's. Her eyes widened as she slowly backed up the stairs, "I better go get her" rhydian muttered. "Wont she yell at you for being in her room?" Kay asked, batting her eyelashes at rhydian. Rhydian shook his head "I dont think she'll be mad at all" he grinned at her, she sighed  frustrated. He turned towards the steps and began walking up them, he enterd her door. Kinda while she was getting changed. "Rhydian" she squeaked, picking a pillow up and throwing it at him. He just stared blankly for a sly moment, before widening his eyes and wallking out of there. "Oops" he mumbled





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