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Naturally, when a guy loses his girl, you'll expect him to chase after her and say all those cheesy 'darling wait' and 'take me back' stuff yeah? That was what I expected from myself too.

But... I stood there like a dummy as if waiting for someone to slap me in the face and be like, "Hey, Claire's gone and she likes someone else," for me to snap out of my trance.

And, luckily, James did. "Man, what are you waiting for? Your girl just dumped you and you don't want her back?" he asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and wobbled unsteadily. James caught me. "Knock some common sense in that brain of yours," he snorted. 

I smirked. "Like you have any. You're gonna take Claire, aren't you?" I sighed. James shook his head. "Got my sights on another girl." He strode off and waited. 

"Well, aren't you gonna chase her?"

I smacked my forehead and sprinted to where I had seen my girl disappear. I saw her talking to Zann, flushed and panting. "Claire!" I called. She stiffened at my call and ducked behind Zann. "Why, if it ain't Javier." Zann shrugged.

I gritted my teeth. "Claire, we gotta talk," I said.

Claire shook her head and came out. "I don't like the way you do stuff." she said quietly. She'd never been much of a arguer.

"Is it cause of Zann? What did she tell you?" I asked desperately. She shook her head.

"Nothing, Jave, nothing. It was all you."

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