Chapter 2

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Sarah's P.O.V

We walked down the middle of the non-busy street, acting like the rebels that we weren't. Our old converse falling apart more and more after each step taken. No one asked what happened yet and I was glad. I didn't want to talk about it, not now, not ever. As we were about to go our separate ways, we stopped to say our normal goodbyes with a quick group hug. "Do you guys want to spend the night? My parents still aren't home." "We can't tonight." Emily and Audrey said in unison. "Our mom wants us home, she said she's tired of us being gone all the time." Audrey stated. Before saying another word, they walked off into the darkness towards their house. I watched their shadows fade until they were completely out of sight. "I will, I have no other life." Lauren said with a small giggle. "Girls night!" I said somewhat trying to be quiet since it was about 3 in the morning now. "Want to go to the grocery store and get some candy and ice cream?" She asked. "At 3 in the morning?" "Yeah, we can go to the one that's open 24 hours. It's only about two blocks away." "Okay, how much money do you have?" "5 dollars..." "Me too." "Okay so 10 dollars could get us some ice cream and a couple candy bars." We started walked to the store acting like complete maniacs and laughing at almost everything. When we finally got to the store we walked over to the freezer section and skimmed through the endless options of ice cream. "How abo..." I was cut of by my phone being removed from my back pocket. "Lauren, give it back!" I said without turning around. " wasn't me." She stuttered and I could hear the fear in her voice. I turned around slowly to then notice the boy that could be noticed anywhere. His black skinny jeans, with his white t-shirt covered by a black blazer. I looked up to meet my eyes with his face that was covered with his dark curls. I looked fiercely into his green vibrant eyes and demanded him to give me my phone back. "Harry, give it back!" "Oh, so you know my name?" "Who doesn't?" I snarled. "Well I also know yours, Sarah." "How'd you know that?" "Who doesn't?" He mocked with a seductive grin plastered on his face. He unlocked my phone and dialed in a number. His phone rang and then he hung up. He relocked my phone and handed it to me. "Here, love." I swallowed nervously and glanced at Lauren to see her frozen in place. He pushed me against the cold glass door of the freezer and kissed my neck. I pushed him off and all he did was chuckle. He started to walk away, but he paused and turned around to look at me again. He winked at me with his crystal green eyes before walking out of the aisle. When he was completely out of sight Lauren walked over to me and said "What the hell just happened?" "The same thing that did at the party." "You mean he's the one who did that to your jawline?" She said as she grazed the burning red, bruised piece of skin with her thumb. "Damn!" She said somewhat shocked but with a small smirk on her face. We quickly grabbed a carton of the cookie dough ice cream then headed to the candy aisle where we then grabbed a couple chocolate bars and some fruity things like skittles. We walked to the checkout and placed all of the merchandise on the counter. The woman rung them one by one as me and Lauren shuffled our money together. "The total is $10.98." She said. I nervously looked up and said "Um, we don't have enough, can we please take a candy bar off the order?" Before she was able to remove the item a familiar big hand grabbed mine and unfolded my fingers. He placed a dollar in my hand and said "Keep the change." "Harry, I don't want your money." I said angrily. "I'll give you a choice, either you take the dollar, or I kiss you. Your choice." I grabbed the dollar back from his hand and gave it to the cashier. She gave me a sympathetic look as she handed me the bag full of goodies. I think she noticed my discomfort and fear. Me and Lauren walked out of the store door and started walking back to my house. As we walked out of the parking lot, a black SUV type car pulled up beside us. "Need a ride?" Harry asked as he rolled down the window. "No, we're fine." "You sure?" "We're fine!" I snapped. "Love you too." he said sarcastically as he winked at me and blew a kiss. He rolled up the window and drove off. Lauren widened her eyes at me before we continued our walk to my house. When we got there, I took my key out of my coat pocket and unlocked the door. We walked inside and slipped our shoes and jackets off. Lauren shut the door and we walked upstairs to my room. As I stripped my uncomfortable, still sticky clothes off my body, Lauren looked at me and said "Do you like him?" "What? Hell no!" I snapped. I slipped on a oversized t-shirt as I remained in just my underwear. I threw Lauren a t-shirt so that she could change in something comfortable also. We sat on my bed and ate some ice cream as we talked about what happened tonight. "You have to admit that he is gorgeous though!" she said referring to Harry. "He's just scary! He makes me want to cry when he pierces my with his beautiful eyes!" "His what?" "His eyes, his eyes, just his eyes." "You like him don't you?" she joked as she tickled me. "No! I mean he's sexy and everything but I could never see us together. He's just a bad boy and I'm just a good girl, a goody goody." My phone buzzed and a random number appeared on my phone screen. "I'm taking you on a date tomorrow night. It's not a question." it read. I didn't respond to it knowing that it was him. I got up and walked to the bathroom leaving my phone on my bed. When I returned from the bathroom my phone buzzed and said "Great, I'll pick you up at 8 ;)" I looked at Lauren to see a guilty look on her face. "What did you do?" I said while panicking. I opened up the conversation and looked at the text that Lauren sent. it said "Sounds great." with a kissy face. "I cannot believe you right now! Why would you do that?" "Oh come on, maybe it will be fun!" She fought back. "Or I end up on the news, missing or either dead! Lauren, he killed a man!" "You don't know that for sure! Come on, just do it, do it for me. Please?" "Ugh, damn you!" She smiled and said "Thank you." I rolled my eyes and sat down on my bed and ate a chocolate bar to drown my sorrows. We watched movies until Lauren fell asleep and I just sat in bed thinking, unable to sleep. I have a date with a murderer in a couple hours...

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