Chapter 5

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Sarah's P.O.V
I rolled out of bed, unable to sleep. My head was pounding in pain and I felt nauseous. I walked downstairs, leaving the sound asleep Lauren alone on my bed. I walked into the kitchen making sure Harry wasn't in there again waiting for me to walk in with my underwear on. There was no sight of him so I walked over to the sink and drank a glass of water to try and help ease my headache and upset stomach. I sat on the couch and put on the TV while pulling a blanket over me. I scrolled through the channels and was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. "Ugh!" I sighed as I stood up and walked to the window to try and see who it was, but there was nobody there. I walked over to the door and opened it while trying to cover my legs the best I could. I looked down and noticed a dozen roses laying on the concrete in front of me, I looked around trying to spot who put them there when I noticed a car, similar to Harry's driving away down the block. I picked them up and shut the door behind me while trying to force my lips from smiling. I set them on the kitchen counter and noticed a little notecard attached to one of the roses. I picked it off and read the 5 simple words scribbled upon the paper. "Give me one more chance." with a sloppy heart in the bottom right-hand corner. I placed the notecard next to the flowers as I tried to find a vase. I finally found one and filled it up with some water before placing each of the 12 roses inside of it and placing the card next to it. I sat back down on the couch and grabbed my phone and texted Harry.
To: Harry
Message: I'm guessing the roses were from you?
From: Harry
Message: You're welcome... and are you going to give me another chance?
To: Harry
Message: I'll think about it.
From: Harry
Message: Well you better think about it quickly, the party is tonight ;)
I replied that I was sick but he wouldn't take no for an answer. I heard Lauren in the kitchen going "Oh my God, that is so sweet." I got up and walked towards her gushing over the notecard in her hands. "Please go with him tonight!" She begged. "I am..." "Ple...what? You're actually going to go?" "Yeah, even though I'm sick, I'll try." She hugged me and said "I'll help you get ready, but after he picks you up I'm going to hang out with Emily and Audrey." I smiled and miserably laid back down on the couch. I fell asleep without even knowing and was awoken by someone slightly taping my shoulder. "Go away." I whined while turning over. Someone picked me up but I was too tired to even care. I tried to feel who it was by touching the side of their face. "What the fuck are you doing?" I screamed. I was then dropped to the floor, right on my butt. "Ow!" I cried. "Oh my God, are you okay?" he panicked. "Oh my God, why'd you drop me?" I mocked. "Oh my God, why'd you scream?" he mocked back. "Oh my God, why are you in my house again?" "Oh my God, we have a date tonight. " "Oh my God, I told you I was sick." "Oh my God, you look better now." "Oh my God, well now my ass hurts, thank you very much." "Oh my God, can we stop mocking each other and talking like this?" "Oh my God." We both giggled as I stood up. "Oh my God, I think we are finally started to get along." "Oh my God, stop saying oh my God." "You just said..." "Shut the fuck up!" I joked. He was about to follow me upstairs but I placed my hand on his chest and said "Nuh uh, you stay here. I'm going to get ready." "We don't have to go if you're not feeling well...we can just stay here if you'd like." he said seductively. "We're going to the party." I said without even hesitating just thinking about what would happen if we would have stayed. I walked into my room and locked the door behind me. Lauren told me that she would help me get ready but she obviously ditched me, so now I'm stuck with trying to get ready without any help. I shuffled through my closet and ended up with a pair of tight, black leggings, a white, sleeveless blouse, and a pair of beige boots. I quickly slipped on a sweater, did my makeup, and put my hair in a messy bun. I walked downstairs to see Harry sitting on the couch with his hands crossed facing away from where I stood. "I'm ready." I quietly said. He stood up and looked at me. "Beautiful." I walked out the front door and he followed, shutting the door behind him. This time he ran ahead of me and opened the passenger door for me. I got in then he shut the door and walked over to his side and got in. He started the car and drove off as I stared out the window the whole time watching the street lights pass above us. We parked about a block away due to lack of parking spots and walked to where the party was. When we arrived Harry introduced me to a couple people, before leaving me to go get us some drinks. Dean, one of the guys Harry previously just introduced me to, walked over to me. "Hey." he greeted me. He seemed nice so I just smiled back at him. "Can I show you something?" "Actually Harry should be back any second." I responded feeling kind of uncomfortable since he was like twice my size. I turned around to try and look for Harry through the crowd, but I was grabbed from behind. A hand over my mouth and me being pulled backwards while kicking my feet trying to scream. No one noticed me or heard my muffled screams as they were to busy being drunk and going crazy with the blasting music filling the whole house. I was pulled outside into what looked like an alley as tears fell from my eyes. I was thrown against a hard surface forcefully as I yelped in pain and fell to the ground. "Get up!" He demanded through gritted teeth. He grabbed me by my wrists and yanked me up with all the strength he had, making my wrists feel detached from my body. He squeezed them as hard as he could and pinned them to my sides as I cried in agonizing pain. "Shut up!" He spat. The only thing that came to my mind was to scream, not even thinking about the consequences I screamed "HARRY!" at the top of my lungs. I knew he didn't hear me, I just stood there thinking. I'm going to die right here or either get raped against my will. "Shut your fucking mouth, you hear me? You wouldn't want to accidently get hurt now would you?..." he whispered while grazing a pocket knife over my cheek. "Please..." I mumbled as I cried as hard as I could to the point of me hyperventilating, hardly able to even catch my breath. He tried to slip his hand down my pants but I pushed him off and said "Don't touch me!" He lifted up his hand and slapped me across the face with full force. "Don't you fucking touch her!" I heard Harry yell as he ran towards us. He was the maddest I have ever seen him before, his face was steamed red with sweat droplets starting to form, muscles tensing, neck veins popping out of his skin, fists clenched shut, eyes full of anger, and jaw contracted. "Take one step closer and I'll ruin her pretty little face." Harry didn't listen, he ran straight at him throwing punches at the speed of light. Now on the ground punching the life out of him with every ounce of strength he had in him. Harry stood up pulling Dean up with him and started smashing him into the brick wall, still throwing endless punches. "Harry, stop! Harry! Harry please stop! You're killing him!" I screamed. He wouldn't stop. I ran over to him and tried to rip him off but it was useless, he was too strong. "Harry, please I'm begging you." I whispered into his ear. I bent down and grabbed his fist that was covered in blood and unclenched his tight fingers. I placed his hand in mine and he started to settle down, I watched his breathing calm as his chest began to rise and fall slowly. The red in his face was now returning to its regular color. He stood up and met eyes with mine, he placed his sweat covered forehead against mine and stroked my burning, red, swollen cheek with the hand that wasn't occupied holding mine tightly. He planted a soft kiss on my injured cheek before pulling me into a hug. I cried into his chest as he held me closely. "Thank you so much." I mumbled into the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... I should have never left you..." He whispered into the top of my head. I took my hand away from his chest and grabbed hold of his hand, holding our intertwined fingers together in-between us. I grazed my thumb over his injured, bloody knuckles before softly placing a kiss to them. We stood there for awhile before finally separating and walking back to the car. He held my hand as he drove, spontaneously planting a small kisses to the back of it. "Can you please drop me off and my friends house? They're having a sleepover and I think I'll feel more safe then being home alone." "You can stay at my place if you would like." "It's okay, I'll be fine." I told him where their house was and he drove me there. He parked out in front and kissed my temple. "I will protect you until the day I die." He whispered into my neck as his hot breath gave me goose bumps. His curls tickled my skin as he planted soft kisses down my neck. "They're watching us..." I mumbled slightly embarrassed as I could see all three of my friends eyes on us through the curtain. "Let 'em." He sexually hissed. "Stop." I giggled as I playfully pushed him away. He kissed my cheek and said "Sweet dreams, babe." before I stepped out of the car and walked up the concrete steps to the house.

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