Chapter 28

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"Excuse me, sir?" I said. "Excuse me!" I yelled. He didn't acknowledge me. "Sir!" "What?" he snapped as he turned around noticeably annoyed. "I was just wondering, who is H.S.?" I calmly asked. "Henry Stromberg. He's versing Ashton Irwin tomorrow night. What about him?" he said, still slightly pissed. I felt hollow again, the pain came back, ecrusiating as always. "Nothing...Nothing at all..."

Sarah's P.O.V
I woke up with a hangover as usual. My head pounding, feeling nauseous, just gross. We didn't get home until 6 in the morning, so I slept in, but not by like an hour, I woke up at 7 at night. Courtney woke up at like 3 in the afternoon, but I refused to get up. I stood up too fast, causing the vile taste to rise up my throat. I ran to the bathroom and let it loose while Courtney helped me. I cleaned myself up, took a shower, and tried to force down a piece of bread but I couldn't. "So what are we going to do tonight?" "Are you kidding me? I feel like shit." I laughed. "I think I'm just gonna bum it out for the rest of the night." I admitted. "Well I'm going to the movies with Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall. So if you change you're mind, let me know." she said, and then the begging began. "No." I laughed. "Fine, sit here and be a nugget all day." she said before leaving. As I remained sitting at the table drinking coffee, I noticed a folded piece of paper across from me. I grabbed it, opened it, and read it. The bold words "H.S vs. Irwin" sent memories from last night to flood back. "Henry Stromberg." the stranger's voice replayed through my foggy memory. I sighed before grabbing the piece of paper and tucking it into my pocket. I grabbed my coat and scarf and slipped on my boots before heading out into the cold night air. The snowflakes fell lightly as the streetlights made them shine. I read the flyer again, searching for an address before I finally found one. I grunted as I realized it's far away and it will take awhile to walk there, but I didn't really mind. After an hour, I knew it was close but my face was numb and my lungs were starting to burn. I lit a cigarette, hoping it would warm me up a little, but it was no use, I was as cold as ice. I finished my cigarette right as I arrived at the building, which felt like it was in the middle of an entire abandoned town because there was not even a sound to be heard or a person in sight. I opened the door which was surprisingly unlocked and almost bumped into a guy the size of the hulk. "Where's your ticket?" "I don't have a ticket." I shook. "Do you have a flyer at least?" I nodded as I pulled it from my pocket and handed it to him. He backed out of my way and let me walk, but he slapped my butt as I walked passed. I turned around and gave him a disgusted look. I turned around quickly and accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm sorry." I panicked before I realized who it was. "Dean?" I almost whispered. "Sarah? What the fuck are you doing here?" he said surprised. "I could ask you the same thing." "Come here." he said as he grabbed my hand and led me to a room. "This is my office." he said proudly. "Your office?" I curiously asked. "Yeah, I'm the person in charge of these fights now. Ain't it cool?" "Yeah." I mumbled, trying to be amused. "I haven't seen or heard from you in like a year now." he exclaimed. "8 months." I sighed. "Why?" he asked as I removed my scarf and placed it on his desk. "Just a lot of stuff has been going on lately, I don't really wanna talk about it." He walked around his desk and stood in front of me. "Have you thought of me at all?" he seductively whispered as his hot breath fanned across my cold skin. I wanted to hesitate and pull away, but then I realized that it doesn't matter anymore. I'm single, Harry's gone and I have to move on. There's no point in stopping him anymore. He placed his warm hands on my numb cheeks and lifted up my face as he rubbed his thumb on my skin. "I thought about you." he bit his lip as he looked me in the eyes. His lips were soon on mine, the heat in the room igniting, by body heated itself immediately. Before I knew it I was on his desk as he stood in between my legs with our lips still connected. His fingers played with the hem of my pants before he started to slid his hand in. The bad thing was is that in my head I was picturing him to be Harry, replacing his scent with Harry's. Replacing the gross thoughts with the good ones. "There's someone at the door." I let out a breath as I heard a knock. "Shit." He mumbled before fixing himself up. "Get under the desk." he ordered. I rolled my eyes and did as I was told. He sat down in his chair and slid in close. His crotch too close to my face. "Dean I gotta talk to you about this fight." I heard. My heart stopped, I can't catch my breath, my vision turned blurry, everything is spinning, it feels like I'm floating, and I don't know if what I'm feeling is good or bad. I must still be imagining things. "Go on." Dean interrupted my panic attack. I tried to remain silent the best I could. but in my head my breathing seemed to sound like a gorilla. I tried to stay calm as I listened. I watched Dean's hands slowly unzip his pants. 'Oh God please no' I cried in my head. I continued to listen to the voice that I grew to miss, to love, the voice that sent shivers down my spine every time I heard it. I watched a pen fall to the floor and Dean went down to retrieve it, winking at me during the process. I watched as he slowly pulled his dick out and I immediately shut my eyes, trying to only focus on the way his words fell from his mouth slowly. While I was distracted, Dean's hand grabbed hold of my head and pushed it towards his hardening cock. I pulled away. "Are you okay?" the angelic voice asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Dean stated. "Why so fidgety? A whore giving you a blow-job under there?" he tried to joke, I cringed as I thought to myself 'If only he knew...' "I wish." Dean interrupted my thoughts once again causing me to roll my eyes at his response. I could hear the edge in his gorgeous voice as he started to cough. I could hear in his voice that something wasn't right, I knew all his tones and what they meant...but this one...this one was something new, he sounded broken and frail, I can't explain it. Out of nowhere Dean's hand grabbed my hair and yanked me towards him. I tried not to cry out in pain as he shoved my face towards his rock-hard dick. I held back the tears as he tried to force me. I wanted to run out but I couldn't because I would have to cause a scene, he would see me, he would probably be hurt, ashamed, mad. Do I even have a choice? What did I get myself involved in again? If I don't leave now I will have to suffer by myself with Dean and I don't want that to happen. I can't see him though, I don't know if I want to see him, I don't know what I wan't now. He yanked at my hair again and without thinking I sunk my teeth into his hand before standing up and running out. "You fucking bitch!" I heard Dean scream behind me. I continued to run, I only got a glace of what looked like a complete stranger. I ran out of breath when I got to the middle of the parking lot so I stopped running. I heard the heavy, steel door shut again behind me. It's either Dean or the one person I don't want to see. It was the person I didn't want to see, his voice hoarse in the cold breeze. "Sar, wait!" I turned around to meet eyes with him. He was pale, his cheek bones prominent, his hair was long, he looked tired, he looked gone. "You forgot your scarf." he mumbled. I tried to hold the tears back as I laughed."Eight months. it's been eight fucking months and that's all you wanna say? That I forgot my fucking scarf?" "I have nothing to say." he mumbled. "Goodbye, Harry..." I mumbled as he now noticed the tears glaze over my eyes. I turned around and started to walk away. "Sar, wait..." he sighed. "Don't call me that." I cried. He looked down at his leather shoes that are falling apart and kicked around the snow slush. I watched as his now shoulder length hair fell in front of his face. He looked up and pushed it back as his emerald eyes pierced through me. "Are you walking home?" he quietly asked. "Yeah. Why do you care?" "Just because we haven't had anything to do with each other for months doesn't mean I don't care." "Seems like it, mostly because if you cared, you wouldn't have left me in a state of depression for 8 months. You could have at least told me you weren't dead, instead of having me mourn over you every second of the day. I just wanted to know that you were okay for least part. I watched you get shot, I seen it all, I watched it happen, I was there, don't you remember? I still existed, did you care what I was going through? No, you didn't because you were too busy being selfish. You didn't even try..." I cried. He tried to reach out for me, but I pulled away. "Don't touch me." I choked. "Sarah, I was selfish. Selfish that I eventually gave up. I tried so hard that it was unhealthy. Right when I left the fucking hospital, you know what I did? I went to find you. I went to your house and your parents said you were gone, I knew they were lying but I thought you just didn't want to see me. I went to your house every fucking day for a month until your parents threatened to call the cops on me. I didn't give up though, I wrote you a letter every single day for another 3 months. I still didn't hear anything from you, the silence was deafening. After 4 months of not hearing or seeing you I gave up, I didn't want to but I did. I thought you hated me and that broke my heart. I got myself to believe that you were better without me, safer for that matter. I just wanted to die. On top of all that, I lost my house, I went bankrupt. All I had left was my car. I've been doing these fights for the money, trying to save my house, trying to get back on my feet, but without you I couldn't. You were the only thing that made me happy, the only person to make me smile, to laugh, the only person to see all my flaws and not treat me like shit, you were the only girl that didn't only want sex from me, you were the only girl I've ever loved. Sarah, you were the only person that didn't look at me as a monster. And to be honest I never expected to ever see you again and that's what broke me the most. I didn't want the person that meant the world to me to just disappear from my life, be...because I needed you...I still need you. I need someone there for me, someone that I know cares, someone that would love me for the way I am and all of my mistakes. I need you Sar. I need you and I always will need you." He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. "Please?" he choked, looking like he was on the verge of tears. "Harry, you know I love you, but..." he didn't cut me off, but what I seen made me freeze. He was crying. I've never seen Harry cry, ever. I used to believe he was just dry. "Are you crying?" I asked in shock. "No." he denied the obvious as he wiped at his tears. "Baby..." I mumbled as I fell into his arms for the first time in forever. "I won't ever let you go again, please don't leave me. Don't let me go." He mumbled into my neck as I felt his tears fall down my skin. Our breathing was heavy against each other, our breath visible in the freezing air. I inhaled his scent. Stale cigarettes, mint, and his cologne. I admired it, I felt like crying again, just because of how much I missed that one small thing. "I love you." he stole the words out of my mouth. "I love you more." I chucked into his chest. "Baby, I'm afraid that's not even possible." he smiled as his long hair fell into my face. "Fuck Dean, I'm taking off for the night. One fight won't hurt anything. Come on." he smiled as he grabbed my hand and led me to his car that still smelled like new leather and cigarette smoke. When we got in the car he intertwined of fingers and told me how much he missed me. As we drove, the silence took over, but I didn't mind it. As long as we were together I didn't care. I know I shouldn't have forgiven him that easily but I couldn't help it, he cried. Do you know what it's like to see the guy you love cry after almost a year of not seeing each other? It hurts like a bitch, but I knew that if I didn't do it now, I would still do it in the future. I love him too much to just throw him away, to throw us away. Too many people tossed him to the side in his life and I'm not going to be one of them. He lifted up our intertwined fingers and placed a kiss to my hand and then he licked it. "Ew, Harry." I giggled as I looked over to see him smiling the biggest smile as he chuckled. He looks so happy, and if you probably looked at me, I would probably look happy also. Then I was just sitting there, staring out the window and replaying his speech that was full of his confessions in my head and then I realized. "Harry?...I never got any letters..." 

A/N: HOLT SHAT NUGGETS! What did you guys think? This was the longest chapter I ever wrote for this. Can you believe it? He's back! What do you think is going to happen now? Where are the letters? Do you think Harry's acting strange? LIKE, COMMENT, AND FOLLOW and I'll love you forever.

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