Ch 1: My Best Friend

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The past 19 years of my life I was raised by two special people. Those two special people were Mr. & Mrs. Washington, my parents. They gave me the world and more, probably because I'm the only child. My friends always told me I was lucky to have been blessed with such a great pair of parents. I never appreciated that, back then. My mom was a nice woman and I loved her with all my heart, but we got into it a lot. When me and my mother argued I would always run to my daddy. My dad was always there for me, whether I was right or wrong. He had my back. He comforted me when I was sad or upset, no matter what the issue may be. From school to boys. Even though I usually kept my distance when it came to the opposite sex. My daddy was the person I could ALWAYS run to, he was my diary, my superman & more importantly my best friend. But now... he's just a memory. 

I can't shake the thought that he was gone. MY DAD. He was gone & never coming back. I didn't expect it to happen so fast. It was just a regular day, just like any day. It was the last week of my senior year and all the material for class was learned so the teacher had the TV on, nothing exciting just the news. They were talking about how there was a big fire downtown in one of the older city buildings. They stated that 2 of the firefighters were in the hospital because of severe burns and more information would be released later. It never crossed my mind that my dad, my daddy was one of the firefighters lying in that hospital bed. Breathing his last breath..

When I got home and my mom told me about how my dad had passed not too long ago I couldn't do anything but stand there in shock... I dropped to my knees & balled my eyes out. While my mom came over & held me.

All I could think about was how my last words to him weren't ones I would of chosen to be my last. About how my best friend was gone.. he would never be there to comfort me like he used to. I didn't know what to do, or how to be strong. I couldn't. I just couldn't.

I stopped talking to my friends.. I wouldn't eat like I used to... I cried a lot more... I was depressed. My mom got worried and suggested we start over somewhere new.. fresh.. away from where nothing but memories of my best friend lied.

So we left, & just like that.. my whole life changed.

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