Ch 4: Tracey Neverson

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I could barely think straight when I woke up this morning. Things had started turning around already.. for some reason I thought I would be a loner here.. just like I wouldn't fit in. I still can't judge anything just yet because I don't even know Trey like that. He's probably just being a guy and hopping on the fresh meat first.. Well little did he know I wouldn't be that easy. I don't know how these girls are where he is from but I'm not the easy type. But I'm going to keep an open mind about everything and not jump to any conclusions..

After thinking so hard I got up and hopped in the shower, got out brushed my teeth. I looked in my huge closet for something to wear. I only had one class today so I just grabbed a pair of beige Hollister shorts and a red Nike shirt. I threw my clothes on and found my red timberlands and put those on. I threw my hair in a messy bun and put on my favorite perfume. I grabbed my bag and my cellphone.. I opened up the Twitter app & tweeted "Today should be a great day." I thought it would be.. I was in a good mood.

I ran downstairs and saw my mom talking on the phone and had the TV on while cleaning a little. I waited for her to finish her conversation so I could let her know I was leaving. She looked up...

"Yeah Pam, I'll call you back in a second, okay? Okay bye now." She was getting off the phone because she saw me I guess..

"Hey mom, I'm about to head out.. now. I should be back soon, only one class today."

"Okay baby, have a good day, be safe." She kissed me on the forehead & I headed towards the door. She stopped me.

"Baby... are you doing okay? I mean with the move and all?" I smiled at her.

"Yes mom, I like it so far. I think this was a good change." Her face lit up.

"I love you." She said and hugged me.

I hugged her back, "I love you too mom."

"Bye baby." She waved me off.

I walked outside and headed to school, I got there faster than yesterday. I knew exactly where to go since I took a slight tour of the place yesterday after my last class was over. I walked in the door to my classroom and sat in the front. It was just like yesterday's 2 classes. Orientation day.. the boring syllabus and self explanatory stuff. Class was dismissed after about 30 minutes. I grabbed my stuff and headed for the door. Before I got out the door a girl stopped me. She was light skinned and had dark brown/black hair and the deepest dimples in her cheeks. She was very pretty. (Picture to the right)

"Hey girl, wassup?" She asked me as if I knew her or something..

"Hii." I said, not really knowing what to actually say. I was really bad at meeting people, if you cant tell already.

"You new here?" She asked me being really friendly.

"Yeah I'm from Cleveland. Is it obvious I'm not from here?" I laughed a little.

"Not really, it's just that at this school everybody pretty much knows everybody so when you see a new face it's pretty obvious they're a freshman to the school or moved here to New Orleans recently." She said reassuring me.

I nodded my head to let her know I got what she was saying.

"But yeah..." she started. "I saw you and my big brother talking yesterday."

I all of a sudden got kind of embarrassed. I don't know why I was embarrassed.. Trey was cute and I'm pretty sure even his sister knew that. If that was even his REAL sister. They did resemble a little though, so I'd give her the benefit of the doubt. "Yeah that was me, he was just seeing if I was new here too. That's all." I reassured her.

"Girl stop playin! I know it was more than that. I saw the way my bro was lookin at you. He don't just look at any ol girl like that!" I blushed a little at what she said. Was she serious?

"See girl look at you blushin! You feelin my bro, don't lie to me! Tracey always can tell when somebody lyin!" She playfully laughed. Okay maybe she was right, I was feelin her brother. I mean what was not to like about him? Damn.

"Okay, okay, okay. Yeah he is cute! I'm not gonna lie to you. No reason to lie.. So you said your name was Tracey?" I tried to change the subject a little.

"Yeah that's me Tracey, you can call me Trace for short though, most people do. Well my friends anyway." So she considered me a friend or something along those lines. That made me feel better, I was getting to know people. Even if they were in the same bloodline I'm sure it still counted.

"Alright then, my name is Aliyah. Glad I know somebody in that class.. it seems kind of hard." It was math and I'm not so good at math.

"Well girl you're in luck! I love math, when it comes to that subject I'm a beast. Can't tell me nothing girl!" She said loudly. I laughed a little. That's when her phone rang.

"Hello?" I heard a deep voice on the other end but couldn't make out what they said.

"Oh hey bro!" She made sure to put the emphasis on the bro part. I smirked.

"Yeah I'll be right out front in a sec, I'm headed there now AND I have a surprise for you." She hung up the phone and looked at me.

"Are you done with your classes for the day?" She asked me with an eager look in her face.

"Yes I am" I said, laughing a little. I felt like she was up to something.

"Well let's go then!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me with her towards the front of the school. When we finally made it I could see a nice ass 2014 black Mustang GT. That thang was soooo sexy. This had to be Trey's car.. it fit him perfect. Yuuup, it was his car we headed in that direction and I saw him in the driver's seat looking like he just fell straight from heaven. Yes lord.

"Well hello there baby girl." He smiled at me with those pearly whites.

"Hey, how you doing?' I said a little nervous but no where as nervous as I was yesterday.

"Trace told me she had a surprise but I didn't think it would be this good." he winked at me.. damn I could just melt.

"Haha, well aren't you a sweet talker." I shrugged his comment off.

"Well do you want to hop in?" He asked me. Trace grabbed my arm.

"Come on Liyah!" She whined and opened the door and let the seat up and got in the back. I guess she was implying that I was gonna sit in the front. I couldn't help but to giggle a little. She was funny and she gave me a nickname too. Liyah, I liked that. She was real cool. They were good people. I got in the car and closed the door.

"Yeah I'll ride with ya'll." I smiled at him. He smiled back and blared the music. I never heard of the music he was playing. Must be a local artist I thought. It sounded real good though. We rode down the streets of New Orleans with speed and all I heard was the roar of the engine and the blaring music. The warm new Orleans sun hit my face and it felt good.. I felt good. Right here where I was at, this moment, this second in time. We pulled up to a medium sized house with the same fence surrounding it as mine. That's when I realized if this was where they lived, it wasn't too far from me. It was just about a block away from my house.

"Alright girl let me out, I'll get up with you later." I got out the car and let her out.

"Here's my number." She asked for my phone and put her number in.

"Just hit me up whenever, maybe we an go to the mall or something." I nodded at her and waved her off then got back in the car.

"So its just me and you huh." Trey said.. gahhh he was so sexy. Just me and you I thought to myself...just me and you.

"I guess so.." I blushed.

"Well where you wanna go baby girl?" he asked me and touched my hand slightly. Sparks shocked our hands when he touched me. We both laughed.

"Your the one that suppose to be showing me around!" I joked with him. He laughed..

"Alright, better fasten your seatbelt.. we're about to go on a little trip." I smiled and grabbed for my seatbelt and buckled it in. I text my mom and let her know I'd be home a little later. That's when we drove off.. back on the streets of New Orleans.

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