Ch 7: Date Night & Girls Night

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*Aliyah's POV*

I was eager to see where Trey was taking me for our first official date. I've had butterflies since he knocked on the door and they hadn't even left my stomach yet. I looked at Trey as we drove down the streets and he looked so peaceful. So far everything about him was perf and I could only think about what his flaw could be. There was no one on this earth who didn't have a flaw. We pulled up to a fancy looking restaurant called "Samuel's", after a little ways of driving. I was sure it had to be closed because there were nothing but three other cars in the parking lot. I was kind of confused at this point. I looked at Trey and he began to unbuckle his seat belt and got out the car. He opened the door for me and held my hand while I got out.

"Trey, there's no one here." I said to him as if he hadn't already seen that for himself.

He just gave me a little smirk and continued to lead me into the restaurant opening every door for me on the way. The place was dim, really dim except for one table. The receptionist must of been expecting us because she smiled as soon as we made eye contact.

"Hello, you must me Miss Aliyah?" She asked me smiling. I couldn't help but smile back, how did she know my name.

"Yes that's me." I said surprised.

"Well Mr.Trey has reserved the whole restaurant for just the two of you. Follow me this way." I looked at Trey with amazement and he just winked back at me and we trailed behind the receptionist. She sat us at the table lit with candles in the middle of the restaurant and walked away. She didn't even give us menus.. Must be another surprise I thought.

I looked across the table at Trey and smiled. "You really out did yourself huh? This is beautiful Trey, I can't believe you did this."

"You deserve it. " That's all he said and smiled at me.. And sat there with his hands crossed just looking deep into my eyes. It's like he was looking into my soul...

The waitress arrived with two entrees covered. She also brought a bottle of champagne with her. She walked away out of plain sight. I don't know how Trey did all this, and along with the alcohol considering we were under age. I didn't drink so he would have the whole bottle to himself. "Now it's just me and you." He said as he touched my hand softly. Trey kept on surprising me. Underneath my entree cover was chicken parmesan pasta. How did he know this was my favorite?

We sat there and talked about everything you could possibly think of. Somehow we got on the subject of my dad and I just brushed it off and said I didn't want to talk about it. He understood and left it alone. We connected on so many levels. After we finished our food he asked if I wanted dessert. I passed, because I was stuffed. We didn't wait for a bill and he led me out of the restaurant and to the car. I'm guessing he had already pre payed it... I wonder how long he had this all planned out? We were back in the car now and I couldn't help but to smile to myself. Trey grabbed my chin facing my face towards his...

"So did you enjoy yourself beautiful?" I blushed and I knew my dimples were showing like crazy right now with how cheesy I was.

"I did, I really did. You keep on surprising me Trey. What's so special about me? I haven't seen you show any girls any attention since I've been here." He looked caught of guard like he wasn't expecting me to ask such thing.

"Aliyah, you are beautiful. Not only that but you're different. Way different, than any other girl I've ever met. And I know it's still early and it hasn't been that long at all but it's like I can see who you are all around and feels like I've known you longer than I have." He surprised me with his answer. I just nodded, I didn't know what to say really. He smiled to reassure me that he understood how I was feeling. He started up the car and headed back to our neighborhood.

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