Ch 10: Lost

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Sorry I haven't written in awhile you guys.. Classes started back up and I've been trying to get settled back in. I'll be trying my best to update more frequently. This chapter will be short just because I wanted to hurry and update quickly. Thank you for every vote & every comment and I appreciate the active readers!!! Thanks again :)

*August's POV*

Lil shawty is so upset, her ma just passed away. She prolly feel like I was invadin ha space but the doc gave me the wrong room numba. My homeboy got shot.. I was just tryna check on him and I ran into Aliyah. I can't let ha run off hurtin... And feelin like I was eavesdroppin on ha. Or maybe I should just give ha some space.. She prolly doesn't wanna be bothered wit me anyway, she neva even hit me up afta I gave ha my numba. Fuck it...

*Aliyah's POV*

Everything is happening too fast for me. I'm losing everyone I love left & right. I don't deserve this.. What did I do to deserve this? Trey isn't even here right now and I can't stand to text or call to let him know what happened. And why the hell had August been watching my mom pass away.. Spying on me. He invaded my space and had the nerve to talk to me like he didn't just witness my mom pass away and me at one of my weakest points. I decided to call Trey after driving back to the house in my moms car. It smelled like her.. And all I could think about was how earlier that day she drove in this same car.. And she didn't even know she'd never drive it again. It's crazy. I started to get watery eyes and realized Trey picked up the phone.

"Hello? Hello...?" I heard his voice on the other end. I couldn't even say anything back without bursting into tears. "Aliyah? Baby girl, you there?" I fought back the tears.

"T-treyyy.. m-my mom.... She.." I choked up and couldn't say it.. I guess he knew what I was going to say.

" Aliyah. Baby girl... I wish I was there with you right now. I need to be there for you. I can't imagine how you're feelin... Oh my god." I could hear the concern in his voice and I knew he meant it.

"I don't know what to do... I have to leave.. My mom told me to go stay with my grandmom. Trey I have to leave." I started to cry hard.

"No baby girl... Damn. We'll figure this out when I get back. Not sure when I can get back but I'll try to get back as soon as possible, I know you need someone with you."

"Thank you.. I got to go. I have to pack." I said trying to end the call before I cried anymore.

"Okay baby girl. I'll talk to you soon." He hung up the phone and I just broke down in the living room.. Balling my eyes out. Just like when I found out my dad passed away. I got myself together after realizing they weren't going to come back and me crying wasn't gonna make a miracle happen. I just felt so LOST without them. I started packing everything I needed into boxes and thought about leaving everything behind here in NOLA. I had only been here for a week or so but it was growing on me. I was making friends and I met a guy I really liked.. And then I met a guy that was different.. But there was something about him I wish I had. The looks in his eyes. Like he doesn't let anything bother him... He's so strong and nonchalant. I wish I could be that way.. I wish I didn't have feelings. I wish I had the mindset of August. Or at least how I thought his mindset was. He seemed so carefree. As I was packing I received a text. It was from Trey.

"Baby girl it'll be longer than I thought. I won't be able to make it back till another 2 or 3 days." 2 or 3 days? What the hell. I just lost my mom and he knows that... What could be so important at this point? He said Tracey had got into some trouble but what's new? You know what.. Forget it. Forget it!!

"K." I replied. I didn't have time for the games. I knew he had to be there for his sister but what about me. I may be being a little selfish but I didn't care. But I knew one person who did. Trey wrote me again and I didn't read it I just deleted it. He pissed me off...

I packed most of my shit up and left some things behind.. Irrelevant shit.

I hesitated with what I was about to do.
But I did it anyway. I pulled my phone back out and scrolled through my contacts and found August's name. I contemplated again.. But I decided to go through with it. I was just hoping he would overlook the way I was acting earlier.

"Hey August, it's Aliyah. I'm ready to talk now." I gave him my address in the text and took a shower real quick. My last shower in my new yet old home. When I got out the shower I had a text awaiting for me.

"I'm omw ma.." I took a deep breath and threw on some sweats. I sat downstairs with all my stuff and waited for August to get there. Why did I invite this guy I barely know over to my home? Well my old home. Why did I trust him? Why did I feel like I could depend on him more than Trey at this moment? I didn't know the answer to any of these questions and I didn't get too much time to think because I heard a knock at the door at that moment.

I jumped up with sweaty palms.. And opened the door for August. He look so good.. He made me weak as soon as I looked him in the eyes. We just stared at each other for a few seconds then he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. Comforting me, and holding me tight. It felt good and for the first time since I left the hospital I felt safe and it felt like I finally had someone.

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