Ch 2: Fresh Start

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It was time to start over. Time to turn over a new leaf. A new place, new environment, new people, new house, new school... a new everything.  The whole way to NOLA (New Orleans) all I could think about was my dad & how he wouldn't be there to continue this life with us. I try not to think about him as much since I spent majority of the summer mourning my daddy & moping around the house. I promised my mother as well as myself that this move was going to be a new beginning for me and her as well. I promised that I'd try to be happy and to always remember my dad, not only a memory I'd never forget but someone who was still going to be there when I needed him the most.

There was one thing I was extremely nervous about when it came to moving to NOLA, the fact that it was so much more different than my hometown. The crime & murder rates were high. Very high. Cleveland was so laid back.. quiet. New Orleans was the opposite. I didn't think I would fit in, I was more to myself.. some called me a goody two shoes. That was me I guess. I don't drink, I don't smoke, & I'm still a virgin. Yeah I know, I'm about to be a freshman in college. But that kind of thing is important to me. I never found that special someone.. and I know that kind of thing comes with emotional attachment to that person. So I want it to be with someone who will always be there, in some way even if it isn't in a relationship form forever. My friends were the same way so in Cleveland I really fit in. My friends were just like me, which made me feel comfortable. I was scared about meeting new people here, starting college and all of that.

We were almost at the new house. I held in my breath...then let it out slowly. This was it. The fresh start I needed. I got out the car and my mom just sat in the car for a few minutes.. just looking at the house. I saw a tear drop from her eye. I didn't know if it was because she loved the house, or because she missed dad. I'd say both.

I helped my mom out the car & we grabbed some of our bags out of the backseat & trunk. The house looked beautiful. It was a decent size 2-story house. On the second story a balcony stretched out over the porch underneath. & a black gate surrounded the house. (Picture of house to right)

I walked into the house and turned the lights on. The chandelier in the living room brightened up the place. The house was already fully furnished. I had hope that this would all turn out okay, I think this is what I truly needed.

"Aliyah we're finally here, this is it." my mother said with a gleam in her eye.

"I know it's beautiful mom." I responded with a smile.

"You really like it?"

"Yes mom.. It's different from home. I like that." I said.

My mother smiled to me and for the first time since dad died I saw hope in her eyes. This made me feel a little better about everything, besides I wasn't alone in this I still had mom. I even had dad, in my heart.

*Runs upstairs*

I walk into one room and I see light pink walls. The theme of my room was pink and white. I had lace white and pink covers. The floor was crème carpet and was spotless.. everything was perfect. I had a huge walk in closet so ALL my clothes would fit. & I have A LOT of clothes! I unpacked everything which took a few hours.. Then I went to help out my mom unpack everything else. She had this look in her eyes the whole time.. Like something was missing. I already knew what it was, but I didn't say anything. I just stopped everything I was doing & held her. I felt her tears warm on my shirt..

"Mom everything will be just fine, we'll be just fine." I said.

She hugged me back.

"I know baby, I know." she said..

After everything was unpacked my mother cooked dinner and I went upstairs and pulled out my laptop. I hopped on my twitter and tweeted.. "Stuff is getting better, just moved into my new house."

I closed my laptop and ran downstairs just in time. My mom had just finished dinner. We sat down together and prayed over our food.. We ate in silence. After everything was cleaned up I ran up to my room and took a shower & brushed my teeth. I got in my bed and lied there... I sighed. For the first time since my daddy died I was excited. I was excited about my first day of college tomorrow. I didn't know what to expect but I was nervous and ready at the same time. My new life was about to unfold in front of my eyes... with a fresh start.

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