Ch 9: All I Have Left

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*Aliyah's POV*

Me & Trey were headed to the hospital and all I could think about was my mom and what could be wrong. She left earlier that morning and said she'd be gone for awhile.. Where had she gone? Why was she at the hospital now? I couldn't help but to think the worst possible things I could.. My luck wasn't so good. Trey interrupted my thoughts when he touched my hand softly and looked up at me with concern in his eyes. One thing I knew about Trey was that he cared, he cared a lot. & that one trait about him never failed, I knew I could count on Trey.

"Babygirl, you alright?" he asked me with a little worry in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. I couldn't tell him what I was thinking it was just hard for me to open up about things like this. I still hadn't told him about my dad.. all he knew was that my dad wasn't in the picture. I never got around to tell him what actually happened. I was glad he never asked because if he would I don't think I would have the strength to tell him without bursting into tears. We pulled up to the hospital & as we were walking through the doors Trey's phone went off.

"Hello?" He answered and all I could hear was an automated voice on the other end. His face scrunched up and he shook his head with disbelief. "Tracey! Man, I'm on my way. Just hang on." He hung up the phone with force. "Fuck!" He screamed and everyone in the waiting room looked our way.

"What's wrong?" I grabbed his arm.

"Tracey.. she got herself in some damn trouble all the way in Jackson, Mississippi. I don't know what the hell she doin over there anyway. I'm sorry Aliyah I got to go get my little sis. Call me as soon as you find out what's goin on babygirl. I'm so sorry." He kissed me on the forehead and ran out the door towards his car.

There I was, alone at the hospital.. getting ready to find out why I was here in the first place. I went to the front desk and asked about my mom and they gave me her room number. I ran to the room like I've never ran before. I knocked on the door and nobody answered. I knocked again, no answer. They must've given me the wrong room. I pushed the door open and peeked in just to be sure. And sadly it wasn't the wrong room, there on the hospital bed lied my mother, asleep,  hooked up to all types of machines. I stood there in shock... What was wrong? I just saw her this morning and she was perfectly fine. Besides her looking a little weird... that was it! She must be sick.. She had to of known. This is where she's been lately... I didn't want to get too ahead of myself and that's when a nurse walked in.

"Hello ma'am... you must be Mrs. Washington's daughter?"

"Y-yess that's me." I stuttered.

"Well take a seat honey. I can tell you what's going on with your mother." I took a seat and expected the worst.

"Your mother came to us about a week ago not feeling too well, throwing up, having severe migraines, running extremely high fevers, really abnormal things. We had her come back here a few times in the last week to run test but have yet to come up with anything. Today she came in to get a few more tests done and her heart rate dropped.. Whatever is going on is unknown. We've tried everything and we can't find a solution to the problem, we don't even know what the problem is. We'll continue to try anything and everything we can do but her heart rate is decreasing fast."

I sat there in silence... not knowing what to say. What the hell was going on? What the hell! This had to be a joke. No not a joke, my mom would never joke me like this. This had to be a dream.. that's it. It was a dream.. what else could it be? Because I knew what was happening right now was surreal.. I didn't deserve this. My dad, my best friend had died just months ago. God wouldn't take my mother away from me so soon.. he just wouldn't.

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