Ch 5: The Streets & Pizza

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*Trey's POV*

Gaaah damn. Aliyah was gorgeous. I've seen some pretty woman in my life.. But Aliyah was past pretty she was breath taking. She had this beautiful silky smooth skin, flawless. Her eyes sparkled every time she smiled. I thought it was cute when she would blush, her cheeks would turn bright pink and it made me feel accomplished. It let me know I was making her feel special and I was happy I could do that for her, she deserved that. It was something about her different from the girls I've came across in VA and even in NOLA. I didn't even know her that well yet and I could tell she was gonna be different, man. This girl... She was.. Indescribable. I wanted to show her a good time but I wanted to get to know her most of all so I just drove around the streets of NOLA so she could get a look of the place and see her new city & what it had to offer. I drove past the mall and a couple of little shops on the side of the road. Mostly people trying to sell things that you'll never use in your lifetime but they talk you into thinking you need it or just handmade items. I showed her a lot of the landmarks in NOLA and what it had to offer. That's when I made a turn towards downtown and drove a few miles out.

*Aliyah's POV*

"And this is Downtown, New Orleans baby girl." Trey said while he turned the corner and drove a few miles out and then we got stuck at a red light. "This is where you shouldn't spend your nights, in my opinion. It gets pretty rough and your too gorgeous for something to happen to you." He looked me deep in my eyes. I couldn't help but to get lost in them. But what did he mean by pretty rough? Like how rough? So I asked.

"What do you mean by rough? How rough?" I asked with a little concern in my voice.

"Too rough for you. Just try to stay clear from here." The light turned green and he pulled into a pizza joint called "Reginelli's Pizza". "And this is my favorite pizza joint, you like pizza?"

"Who doesn't like pizza?" He laughed at me.

"Yeah you right. I just gotta be sure, want you to be happy." He made me blush again... He hasn't failed at doing that yet. I could get used to this. We got out the car and he opened the door to the pizza joint for me and led the way to a table for us in the corner. The waitress came right away and took our order and after that we talked.. We talked a lot.

"How old are you baby girl?

"I turned 19 during the summer."

"Awww your still a baby, I'm 22." Damn, well he wasn't that old. We're both in college, both grown.

"So what brings you to New Orleans of all places baby girl?" He asked me with sincere interest. I didn't want to lie but I didn't want to say the complete truth because I was still sensitive on the subject and I didn't want any pity either.

"Well my mom just suggested we needed a fresh start, on life. So we up and left."

"Just like that, huh?"

"Just like that..." I looked off into space and started thinking about my dad.. My best friend. I snapped back into reality when I felt my nose burning. Oh please don't start tearing up Aliyah! Not here. Not now! You'll ruin everything. I had to go to the bathroom or something to get my self together.

"Hey I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back okay?"

"Okay baby girl, don't dip out on me." He joked, I forced a smile. I walked to the bathroom and got my self together and thought about all the positives that have happened since I've gotten here. And forced myself to remember that my dad was always with me, where ever I went, whenever. I felt better so I headed out the door of the bathroom. I bumped into a tall guy who was caramel complexion.

"Sorry!" I said as I felt embarrassed. I looked at him a little closer. He had on shades so I couldn't see his eyes clear but I felt him looking at me some type of way. He was tatted up and had the letter "A" tatted on the front of his neck in red. He also had a gold grill on the bottom set of his teeth. Hell he made ME feel some type of way... He made hood look good.. Forreal forreal.

"You good ma.." He said in the deepest New Orleans accent I've ever heard, the sexiest too. I snapped out of my thoughts and rushed back to the table. Me & TREY's table. Focus. I'm over here looking at this other boy... Well other MAN. Cause that's damn sure what he was. As soon as I got back to the table and sat down the pizza arrived.

"Mhm hmmm mhmm, double pepperoni. Dig in baby girl." He grabbed a slice and folded it then took a bite. His lips were scrumptious. Even with cheese hanging off his bottom lip.

I giggled. "What's funny?" He said completely unaware of the cheese hanging from his lip. My laughter grew louder.

"What's so funny man?" He smirked a little.

"Let me get that for you." I grabbed a napkin and dabbed his bottom lip with it, removing the cheese.

"Aw, man thanks that's embarrassing." For once he was embarrassed that made me feel more comfortable.

"Don't be embarrassed, it was funny." I smiled and joked with him.

"Yeah I guess so, and it proves you were checking out my lips." He said with a flirty look.

"Haha, how could I not with the way you tore that pizza up?" I laughed and joked him some more.

"Awww stop it. Stop being shy and eat!" So I did just that and I didn't care how fat I looked either because I was hungry and hadn't ate allll day. I tore that pizza up. When we finished eating Trey was looking at me like he couldn't figure something out. I looked right back at him.

"Looking for something?" I asked him playfully.

"My bad, you're just .. I don't know I can't really figure it out."

"Is that a bad thing?" I got kind of nervous like I turned him off or something.

"No, nooo baby girl it's a good thing." I smiled.. And blushed of course. "Let's get outta here." Trey said getting up and reaching for my hand. We walked out of the pizza joint and the sun was starting to set. He opened my car door as I got in the car and then he got in on his side and started the car up. While we drove off I saw the guy from earlier, by the bathrooms, on the outside of a convenient store with a couple other guys.

"So did you enjoy the pizza?" I focused back on Trey.

"Oh yeah, it was good Trey. Thanks for showing me your favorite spot." I smiled at him. He winked at me and put the car in reverse as we headed back towards our neighborhood. I showed him to my house and he stopped in front and gave me a deep gaze. I gazed back at him.

"Well thanks for giving me some of your precious time Miss Aliyah." He said smiling at me showing his dimples. I smiled back.

"No thank you, I'll text you okay?" He smiled and nodded. I opened the door and he grabbed my hand lightly and kissed it. My body tingled. "Goodnight Trey." I said as I blushed.

"Goodnight baby girl." I got out and closed the door and waved him off and he drove off. I headed inside and my mom was in the living room as always.

"So how was YOUR day?" She said smiling eager to hear about it.

"Great." I said not wanting to spill out complete details because I didn't know how she would react.

"Just great?" She asked dropping her smile.

"Yuuup! Goodnight mom." I kissed her on the cheek and ran upstairs. I stripped my clothes and took a hot shower. I replayed all the events of the day in my head and smiled. I got out the shower threw on my pajamas and got into bed. Everything from the day played out smoothly but I couldn't help but think about the mystery guy from the pizza joint. I sighed... Why was I worried anyway? I had Trey.. Well not yet. But by the way things were going I saw us being an "us" in the future.


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