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My eyes fluttered open. My head was wrapped in something soft. I sat up and looked around me. The floor wobbled underneath me. I stood up, well, I tried. My knees gave out and I crashed down to the hard floor. I thumped my already injured head against it. I heard familiar voices from ahead me.

"You think she could be?" One asked before sniffling.
"Sorry, but she's gone." Another one told the first. There was mumbling, a few sniffs, and then footsteps growing closer by the second.

A very blurry version of Gregor stepped in. He smiled at me.

"Morning, M and M." He liked to call me that. My name was full of m's, Merete Magdalene.

"Morning, Gregor." I tried to smile back at him. He chuckled, then burst into spontaneous laughter.

"It's actually like six in the afternoon." He told me through laughing. Rex and Wolffe walked in. They looked at me.

"Well, you survived." Rex pointed out putting a hand on my head. He unwrapped the cloth covering my forehead. My bangs and waste length hair fell in front of my face.

"I'm tired." I mumbled as I yawned.
"You slept for a week, Kid!" Wolffe retorted. I giggled.

It was quiet for a while. No one knew what to say. I was still mortified by my master's death. I also, against the Jedi order's way of life, wanted revenge on Jack.

"Where's the other Jedi?" I asked hopefully. Gregor might have frowned or he might have been laughing so hard his jaw hurt.

"Dead." Wolffe told me. Then he quickly left the small space. I curled up in the corner. I didn't speak. I hugged my legs to my chest and prayed this was all a big bad dream, as Plo Koon used to tell me at night when I ran into his room, afraid of the dark or my dreams.

The next few days were quiet. My wounds healed, but my heart never did. I sat on the top of an old rebellion war carrier. The six legs stumbled along the ground. Wind chimes tingles in the graceful wind. Gregor, Wolffe, Rex, and I had hung them up. We loved inside the carrier now.

My legs dangled off the roof and swung below me. My long hair flapped around in the wind. The sunlight shined brightly reflecting the peaceful day so far.

That ended quickly.

The sky dimmed. I looked around for the sun, but found none. The wind and peaceful air rapidly spun around me. The wind chimes bounced around roughly creating a loud, scraping sound.

I stood up and looked up at what caused the peace to flee. A ship loomed above. It was unfamiliar, but didn't look like it came to rescue me and the clones. It was shaped like a triangle. It lowered itself down to the ground near us.

I hopped off the roof of the walker we lived in. I landed right by the door and nerve racking wind chimes. I bolted through the door and stopped in front of the three clones.

"What'd ya do now?!" Gregor joked. I hadn't caused much trouble since order 66, the order to kill all Jedi. Though before that I was quite the trouble maker. Gregor liked to make fun of me for everything.

"Somebody's here!" I told them. Wolffe looked at me.

"We're on the least inhabited area on-" he was cut off by a small TV turning itself on.

"Attention," a man called. He had awful sideburns that would make me puke if I wasn't trying to sound serious. "This is the Empire." Now I'm confused!

"The who-now?" I said out loud. Rex scratched the back of his head, confused too.

"The Empire." He repeated. "And we are aware of the three clones and surviving Jedi on your carrier."

I froze. My Sabers were in another room. He wouldn't have seen them now. He wouldn't have seen us here. He couldn't have. Someone had told him.

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