The dark side, it calls to her

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"What are we doing here?" I looked out of the window on the ship. A small village lay in front of us.

"We are going to find the man here." Sabrina told me.

"Who is he?" I asked hoping she trusted me enough to give me some information on him.

"I can not tell you at the current moment." The robotic girl sighed.

We slowly opened the gates to the village and stepped in. Sabrina led me through it. It was still dark, still night, everyone asleep in their beds, the houses were locked. Sabrina stepped up to a house and lifted up the door mat. She brushed away the dirt under it.

"This is it." She whispered and set the door mat back down. Then she knocked on the door. Once, then again, she counted out four seconds, then knocked again.

The door creaked open. A man stood in the doorway. His hair was jet black and his skin was pale. He reminded me of a vampire. His eyes were an innocent shade of blue that made me think of Kizet. The man was shaking as if he was afraid.

"Sabrina," he shook. "You're back so soon."

"Let me in, Holdin." She told him. "I've got a trained force user with me." She gestured to me.

"Come in, Sabrina." He opened the door. She stepped in and walked upstairs immediately.

"Are you a Jedi, or a sith?" Holdin asked shaking with fear.

"Neither." I sighed. It was the truth now.

"Who were you trained by then?" He asked.

"A Jedi." I told him and followed Sabrina up the stairs. Sabrina was sitting at a table. Her arms were crossed. Holdin sat down with her. I sat in the only left seat at the small table.

"Do you have the information, Holdin?" Sabrina asked. "This time, I may not be so forgiving as the last."

"I have it." Holding told her quickly.

"Have what?" I asked.

"Info." Sabrina explained. "On a planet your friend knows rather well."

I was about to guess planets when Holdin spoke up.

"The building is in the middle of the planet." Holdin told us. He spoke quickly. "The devise was run by aliens, but after the fall of the republic, it was deserted."

"So no one will be there?" Sabrina asked.

"I don't believe anyone has been there in a while." Holdin answered. "When I was there, it seemed as if it'd been deserted for quite a while."

"Where is this planet?" Sabrina asked.

"I sent you the coordinates." Holdin replied.

"Good." Sabrina smiled. "Is the devise safe?" She asked.

"I tested it on myself." Holdin shook.

"And..." Sabrina asked for what happened. Holdin didn't answer.

"Talk!" Sabrina slapped him with her robotic arm. He fell across the room. "Merete, kill him." Sabrina instructed.

"What?" I asked.

"Please, don't." Holdin backed up against the wall.

"Kill him, or I am leaving without you!" Sabrina yelled at me.

"Please, don't do this." Holdin cried.

I closed my eyes. "Kill him now, Merete!" I heard Sabrina yell. "You don't know what I am capable of, if you disobey."

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