Where did Merete come from

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My sister, Sabrina, at age two knew what she was going to do with her life. She was going to improve the separatists' battle droids! That's why, fifteen years later, she worked in the factory she almost never left.

Four year old Merete knew too. Although she didn't know she was force sensitive, she wanted to be a sith. I was my destiny was to become a sith!

My mom and dad, Liza and Moses Magdaline, were highly respected separatists.

I know it's not the ideal "Jedi backstory", but it's still mine.

My mom, dad, and I were in a conference. I was playing with my light saber. It wasn't real! It was a stick. Painted mostly red. I'd whacked my family with it a few times. Sabrina was still in the factory, when we heard a loud explosion. Everyone stopped talking. Everything was quiet. I ran to my mother's side from playing with my toy light saber. I carried my doll.

The other people rushed to the window. My mom and dad made eye contact with tears in their eyes. People were now screaming. I cried into my mom's leg.

The double doors burst open and a man ran in.

"They're coming!" He yelled. "They blew up the factory and they're on their way here!"

Sabrina was in the factory that day. She died in the factory that day, she never improved the battle droids either. Ten years later, I'm glad she never improved them.

People panicked even more. I hugged my soft doll close. It's fur was red, like a light saber and its eyes were yellow. It was about the size of my head at the time, a tiny Loth Cat doll. I carried it wherever I went. Sabrina had given it to me the day I was born.

The republic barged in the door. The man leading the army had a mask over his face. His skin was orange and he was missing a finger on each hand. Also, one of his fingers had a super long nail. He wielded a blue light saber.

The men behind him were dressed in white. They each had different markings on their armor.

"Set your blasters for stun." The orange man ordered. Blue circles emerged from the blasters. When they collided with a person, they instantly fell to the ground. I ran to the corner and buried my face in my Loth Cat doll.

Everyone was only the ground now. My parents were the only ones standing. I cried harder.

The orange man put his saber at his side. He then grabbed my dad's arm. The men in white rushed over to them and put bracelets on their arms making it impossible to move their arms apart. The orange man let go of my dad's arm and spoke softly to them.

I remember this part as if it happened yesterday.

"We won't talk." My mom told him.

"We are of no use to you." My dad agreed.

"Just kill us..." they told the orange man.

"No!" I cried. I ran to them. I hugged my mom's legs. I still held my doll in one hand. The white men lowered their blasters to me.

"Don't shoot her!" My mom cried. She looked up at my father. He looked toward the orange man.

"Take them away." The man ordered. My mom and dad were carried away. I watched them leave. I held my Loth Cat doll close to my chest. The orange man looked down at me.

I picked up the stick I called a light saber and rushed over to the man. I hit him with it. I tried to fight for my family. He chuckled.

"You trying to kill me?" He asked.

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