A defective clone

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Jack and Kizet headed off toward their ship.

"Will Merete come back?" Kizet asked and broke the silence between the two.

"I still don't know what you're saying." Jack sighed and put a hand on the mini wookiee's furry head. Kizet laughed and put his paw on top of Jack's hand. They walked back to the ship and sat back in the small pilot's room. Kizet had learned some of how to co-pilot. He now knew what a few of the buttons did.

Kizet and jack learned to pass notes to understand each other eventually. Kizet also tried to teach him dome of the Shyriwook language. By the end of the short lesson, Jack learned one word, help.

When the shadow of the ship approched Kamino, Jack began to remember his first moments of life. The first sped up years of his life, before his growth chip malfunctioned, he spent his life here. This rainy planet he hoped to never see again. He never liked it here. He liked the sun, though he rarly saw it.

Kizet roared, though Jack couldn't understand a single word. He smiled to the small wookiee anyway and hopped off the ship. Kizet slipped on the slippery ground. Jack helped him back to his feet and led him into the cloning building. Millions of endless hallways were revealed when the door swung open.

"Merete!" Jack called. There was no answer.

"Creepy half robotic sister of Merete!" Jack called. Again, no answer.

After hours of wandering the endless halls of the cloning building, they sat on the floor. Kizet cried into his paws.

"She's not coming back." He cried. Jack didn't understand again so he just nodded and said yes. Kizet burst into more tears which made Jack immediately regret his response.

"Hello?" A familiar voice called. "Is somebody there?"

Kizet jumped up and ran toward the voice. Jack followed. He recognized the voice as well.

"Merete!" Kizet smiled and happily bounded over to the girl.

"Hi." She waved with a smile.

"Great you're here." Jack laughed. "Now we don't care about creepy awful Sabrina anymore so we are leaving." Jack grabbed Merete's hand and pulled her away.

Kizet looked up at the girl. She wasn't wearing what she had been. Now, she wore a plain blue suit.

Jack didn't seem to notice any differences.

Merete's blonde hair was actually blonde, there wasn't any blue. Kizet had never seen her without half blue hair. Kizet knew it had to be Merete though, unless, this was Sabrina in a disguise.

Kizet breathed hard and every once in a while smiled up at Merete who smiled down at him and kept following Jack.

Kizet finally glanced toward Merete's neck. Nothing was there. The necklace was gone. Did she actually care about him? Is that why the second she left she trashed it? Kizet wiped a tear from his eye. Merete stopped Jack and looked down at the Wookiee.

"Are you okay?" She asked with a hand on his shoulder.

"The necklace." Kizet cried. "You don't have it!" He broke out of Merete's grasp and ran off still crying.

"Kizet!" Jack called after him. He looked to Merete who looked even more confused than Jack was.

"What'd he say?" Merete asked. Jack looked at her and finally noticed the differences.

"Who are you?" Jack backed away. "Merete cared for Kizet, she knew what he said, she'd also never-" Merete cut him off.

"I don't know you." Merete sniffled "How do you know my name?"

"You're Merete." Jack hissed. "You were born on Lothal. We met after your parents disappeared. You were four. We've been friends ever since. You rescued Kizet and loved him ever since." Jack sighed and made eye contact with the girl. "Do you even remember Plo Koon?"

"I heard someone say that Plo Koon wouldn't approve of something." Merete stated. "Who is he?"

"Your master." Jack told her and with a sigh he finally added. "I killed him."

Merete gasped.

"Was your mind wiped?" Jack asked before another idea came to mind. "Sabrina freakin' cloned Merete!"

"Why are to talking about me like I'm not here?" Merete frowned.

"Because you aren't." Jack smiled. "You aren't Merete, you're her clone. The only reason Sabrina wanted Merete was to clone her." Jack came to another realization. "Merete's sister is also probably dead, Sabrina died years ago and now someone is pretending to be her to get Merete!" Merete cocked her head.

"Find Kizet! Jack yelled running away. "I'm going to find Merete!"

"But I'm standing here!" Merete called from behind him.

"Not you!" Jack yelled again before rounding the corner and running into a familiar room. The room he was born in. He stood in the doorway and watched a familiar girl with half died, blue hair, talk to a half robotic figure.

He finally shouted. "Merete!"

Merete turned and looked toward Jack. She smiled. "Jack?"

"Why are you here?!" Sabrina yelled.

"Well, first, I decided I didn't trust you with my best friend." Jack smiled. Merete blushed. "Second, after I found out you and my best friend slaughtered a bunch of people, I was led here by a nice man named Holdin."

Sabrina roared. "You killed him Merete!"

Merete felt weak to her sister now. She shook her head.

"I did." She mumbled.

"Prove it!" Sabrina retorted.

"You watched me though." Merete told her.

"Well, apparently you didn't do a very good job of it!" Sabrina yelled. "Prove to me you're on my side, Merete!" Sabrina yelled. "Kill him!" Sabrina pointed.

Merete looked in the direction of her finger. Sabrina's robotic hand pointed right at Jack's face. Merete shook her head. Sabrina shoved her up against the wall.

"Then you're worth nothing to me!" Sabrina yelled in her face.

Merete nodded and Sabrina slapped Plo Koon's lightsaber into her hand. Merete ignited it. Her hand shook as she walked closed to Jack who was slowly backing away.

"Merete, please." Jack glared behind him looking for an escape route. "This isn't funny!"

"I'm sorry," she looked into the brown eyes of her childhood best friend. And cried as she realized that Jack stood against the wall. Merete held the power between life or death for him. Tears were flooding down her face in an endless pool.

Life or death?

She noticed the glow of the lightsaber shone on the necklace that Kizet gave her. She still wore it. It sat peacefully around her neck, still untouched. She thought about what Kizet would think of this. When he finds out that she killed Jack, he'd be horrified.

"Now, Merete!" Sabrina screamed. "This is the same thing that happened with that defective clone!"

Merete was still looking at Jack. His eyes were closed tightly.

Merete closed hers and held up her light saber.

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