Forgotten family

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After taking a long needed bath, I split off from the group.

"I just need some alone time." I had told them. Jack shrugged and led Kizet into the city as he carefully rebraided his brown and wet hair.

I walked into a forest on the small island away from the main city. We had been in the lake the island sat in. I carried the doll with me as I kicked up dirt and thought.

"They loved droids so much, they became one." If Plo Koon hadn't been talking about Vader. Then who was he talking about. "Was he talking about me?" I asked myself aloud.

"No." a mechanical sounding voice told me.

"Ohh. That's a relief." I sighed. "Wait- who's there?!" I asked jumping back and reaching for my sabers.

Wait... I left them in the temple!!!

But surprisingly, my hand touched the metal of Plo Koon's saber.

I looked to my other side and found the rancor claw of my own saber. I ignited them and waved them around hoping to strike the voice's owner.

"Put them away, Merete." The voice instructed.

"How do you know my name?" I stuttered. I put away the sabers and hugged my doll close to my heart.

"We have met before." The voice answered as if I should already know that.

I stood around looking rather confused.

"Ten years ago." I heard the voice move in the bushes.

"Mom?" I asked hopefully.

A robotic looking figure emerged from the bushes. And by robotic looking, I mean half robotic half human.

Her hair was blonde and in a high pony tail and then braided. One of her eyes was green, the other was replaced by one of a battle droid. Her left arm was easily recognizable as a battle droid's. from her hips down, all her joints were robotic. Half of her face and neck were robotic. Her backpack resembled a battle droid's. She was sunburned and dirty while the metal of her body was rusted.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Sabrina Magdaline. I've spent the last ten years looking for my sister, Merete. I believe that is you." She put her hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"My sister died in an explosion-" I started but she cut me off.

"That explosion was caused by your master. He almost killed me. I barely survived and had to spend months reconstructing myself." The robotic girl explained.

I stood and stared at her in awe.
"Why are you here?" I finally asked.

"I have spent ten years looking for the girl I saw with the doll you hold now," she smiled. "I want to see my sister and ask you a favor."

"What do you need?" I asked.

"I have got a deal for you." She started. She looked at me hopefully while she explained the deal.

"Come with me, Merete." She began. "Together we can defeat the Empire." She smiled and looked into my eyes with tears in hers. "You can be the separatist you had so much hope in being one day."

I was stunned. First a robotic version of my dead sister tells me she droid-a-fied herself. And now she wants me, a Jedi, to be a separatist?!

I found a strange word leaving my mouth.


"Meet me here when you are ready to go." Sabrina told me just before disappearing into the darkness of the trees.

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