The Same Story

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"It's Vader." I revealed to the rest of our crew. My heart raced. I was doomed.

"What do we do now?" Wolffe asked. Rex sighed as he avoided eye contact with the rest of us.

"I don't know..." His voice trailed off. He scratched the back of his head.

"We have to fight him!" I yelled. It was true. Rex was hesitant to answer, when he did, he spoke softly.

"Yeah, we have to." He mumbled. Rex put on his helmet. He must have found it again after I was captured. It was a quite comfortable helmet. I put on my guard helmet, I liked this armor that I still wore. This cape makes me feel cooler than I already am!

The rest of the clones popped on their helmets. I had a plan. They didn't know. I could take on Vader right here, right now. He would deserve what he got. I ran straight up the stairs to a gun room. I aimed for Vader, who was shooting back and certainly not missing a single shot.

"Shoot!" I mumbled under my breath when Vader blasted a small bullet into the half circle I sat in. The gun was jammed and unable to move. I glared at Vader's speeding ship.

I was going to destroy that guy!

I slammed my fist on a small button. The glass above me floated off into space. I jumped out of my seat into the black void. My helmet would keep me breathing long enough to reach Vader's ship. I slowly propelled myself to his ship. I held my light saber in my hand as I cut open the hatch sealing in Vader.

I closed the hatch as Fake gravity began to take effect.

I held my knife in my other hand as I dropped in on top of Vader. He whipped around and punched me in the face. It hurt less while wearing my helmet.

I whipped out my light saber and attacked. I sprung forward and tried to stab at his helmet. He force pushed me into the wall. My helmet almost left my head. I straightened it out and switched my knife out with Plo Koon's light saber. The two blue blades collided with Vader's red one. I stabbed at random places, he easily blocked all of them. He swung his blade at my head I ducked and kicked his hand. I missed, and that gave him a chance to punch me in the back while I was turned around. I face planted against the wall and fell down. He held up his saber to kill me. This was a dumb plan.

I rushed forward and used my knife to stab his wrist. The wires I'd seen in the other hand that barely functioned were also visible in the other hand.

I thought Anakin only had one robotic arm. I wondered.

This can't be Master Skywalker!

Vader held his hand with his other and his light saber toppled out of his reach. I swung at a leg. He jumped and landed back on me. I crumpled to the ground like a torn up piece of paper.

I whipped around and swiped at him with my sabers. He was out of reach. My head pounded as I was lifted back into the air but my neck. I coughed up nothing but air.

"It's your fault you know?" Vader told me. "That Plo Koon died"

"No it's *I coughed* not!" I tried to tell through wheezing and coughing.

"Really?" Vader asked. "If you hadn't been so wrapped up in your first mission, would you have protected him?" Vader asked. I wheezed.

"Al-*cough* ways*wheeze*" I attempted to say 'always'. Vader let go of my neck. I dropped to the floor gasping for air.

Vader kneeled down to me. Slowly, he whispered through his helmet, into my ear. "Then why didn't you?"

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