Room 1C

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"Merete!" Kizet sweetly roared from above Merete. She looked up. He smiled. "I know you aren't mean."

Merete popped the button on her lightsaber and loosened her grip.

"Kill him already!" Sabrina yelled.

Merete looked back at her. Sabrina was frowning. Merete looked up at Kizet. He looked scared. Merete looked forward at Jack. He had opened his eyes and was staring at Merete.

She threw her saber across the room and ran off. Jack stood where he was for a second. Sabrina glared at him. Kizet was running down to the floor they stood on. It'd take a while. Jack followed Merete out of the cloning room.

He looked for Merete around the direction she had left. He finally found her.

Merete was in a small room. She was curled up with her hands around her legs, facing the wall. She was crying. Jack walked over to her. He put a hand on her shoulder and sat beside her. Merete didn't react.

They sat there in silence for a while before Jack put his other hand around her and pulled her closer. She put her head on his chest and cried.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

Kizet finally ran in, followed by Merete's clone and Sabrina. Kizet sat behind Merete and Jack.

"Are you guys dating?" He asked. Merete jumped.

"No!" She stood up and looked at Sabrina.

"What was your plan anyway?" Jack finally spoke. He was glaring at Sabrina.

"To get something from the Empire." Sabrina answered. "A chip that has important information."

"How do we get it?" Merete's clone asked.

"We sneak into their base and steal it." Sabrina calmly replied.

"Then let's do that!" Kizet jumped.

"We need someone who can look innocent," Sabrina said. "So not a clone, Jedi, or half robotic girl." She looked at Kizet.

Merete noticed where this was going and didn't like it. She knew that Kizet wanted to help. Kizet was jumping around. He'd been waiting for his chance. But he was so small and innocent. He'd never make it out alive.

"He's just a kid," Merete complained. "He's only seven he'd never make it out."

"The Empire wouldn't pay any attention to a little Wookiee." Sabrina smiled.

"I can do it!" Kizet looked up at Merete. Since the first day they met, Kizet looked up to her. He wanted to be like her. "And by the way, I'm seven and a half." Kizet retorted.

"Then let's do it." Merete reluctantly agreed and followed Jack back to the ship.

"Why does Sabrina have to come?" Jack complained once they were on the ship again.

"She knows things and under all her evilness, I know she's still my sister." Merete smiled and hopped into the co-pilots seat.

"You don't know that." Jack started up the ship.

"I do." Merete told him again before the ship lifted off the ground.

Sabrina led them to the Empire. A big star destroyer that loomed over the ship the group of rebels sat in.

"Okay here we go!" Merete smiled. "We'll get into the cameras and find where this chip is." She looked at Kizet. "Then Kizet will go in and grab it. He'll get to the ship and stay here until we all get back."

The crew nodded.

Merete led them out of the ship.

"Split up and look for the cameras." Merete whispered. The group split up and Merete took Kizet with her.

They searched the ship for hours and found almost nothing. Until Kizet smiled at Merete and pointed to a small computer they'd passed many times.

"Have we checked this?" He tapped a few buttons and found the cameras and speakers.

Merete clicked around and looked through the cameras.

"The room will be guarded if it's so important." Merete told Kizet and pointed at the most guarded room. Filled with storm troopers standing around a chip.

Merete grabbed the speaker after glancing at the room number.

"Troopers in room 1C report to room 5F." Merete told the whole ship.

Meanwhile the one and only Lord Vader, noticed the call. He evilly smiled under his helmet. Then he turned to a trusted admin of the star destroyer he stood on.

"Have your troops invade 1C. Set your blasters for kill." He ordered.

"Yes sir."

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