The End

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Sabrina was always strong.

She was a warrior.

Everyone saw that in her.

Merete ran down the stairs after hearing the commotion. She sensed the presence of Vader and knew she was no longer safe.

"Get under the bed!" She told Kizet. She saw him run upstairs after nodding. At least he would be safe. She couldn't loose him again.

"Jack," Merete turned. She was going to tell him to take care of Kizet and he knew that. "Take care of Kizet." She smiled.

"No." Jack grabbed her hand. "I may not be the person you want to hear this from, but I'm not loosing you." He hugged her. An awkward hug. "I'm sorry."

"I need to buy some time for Sabrina!" Merete broke out of his grasp and ran toward the door with her two sabers in her hand.

"You're not going alone." Jack muttered, but didn't follow. He ran upstairs.

"Sabrina!" Merete grabbed her sister and pulled her up off the floor. She handed her her own saber. She kept Plo Koon's close. "These are the people who brought you down, Master." Merete whispered. "I'm fighting for you." She ran for Vader and slashed the saber. It missed. Vader flicked her away as if she was a fly.

Sabrina ran to him and attempted to stab him. He grabbed her neck with the force before she reached him. She was lifted into the air. Vader then grabbed Merete off the floor and threw her into Sabrina. They toppled to the floor. Merete stood up panting. Sabrina struggled to stand up coughing.

They were loosing this battle.

They were loosing bad.

A small rawr came from the hallway. Merete turned to it.

"Merete." The Kizet had said.

"Kizet, get out of here." Merete told him.

"I heard a beeping from upstairs." He squeaked.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Merete heard.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Sabrina was distracted from the battle.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The Empire heard it too.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Merete interpreted the beeps and grabbed Kizet. She pulled him close to her and ducked.

An explosion erupted from the building. Kizet screamed at the loud noise and Merete just held him close.

Their home, the collapsed on top of everyone. It collapsed on the memory of their parents and the family they'd had.

Merete lifted up a wooden board. She pulled Kizet out of the ruble and felt his chest. She sighed in relief when she heard his heart beat. Sabrina pulled herself out of the ashes and limped to Merete.

"Where's Vader?" Sabrina looked around. Merete shrugged. Kizet opened his eyes.

"We did it!" Kizet squealed after realizing Vader had disappeared.

Merete smiled. "I think we did." They sat in silence. They waited, but something wasn't right.

Merete's eyes began to tear up. She looked up at Sabrina. "Where's Jack?" She stood. "Jack?" She called. There was no answer. "Jack!" She tried again. She pulled up boards searching for him, but there was no sign of him. Only a helmet. The helmet was covered in paint. The explosion had blown some dents and holes in it. Merete held it to her chest. She fell to the ground on her knees and cried. She knew she'd lost him. She never said goodbye to her best friend.

Sabrina bowed her head realizing what happened. Kizet began walking toward Merete to try to comfort her. The ruble of Merete and Sabrina's childhood home crumbled as Kizet moved.

Just then a tall and black figure stood from the ashes. He was covered in soot and ash. He clutched his side and wheezed. He breathed loud. Merete looked in his eyes. She grabbed her saber and ran for him, though she never ignited it. She ran straight into him and hugged him as she sobbed into his chest. He collapsed and fell on to her from exhaustion.

"I'm sorry about your house." Jack apologized. Merete didn't answer she kept crying. Jack held her. He smiled. Then broke down in tears with her. Kizet ran up behind them and hugged Jack's legs from behind.

"Lets go now." Jack suggested. They all agreed and began walking back to the ship.

"Sabrina." Merete turned once she realized that she hadn't asked her sister what to do next, but she was already gone. She turned back to Jack and Kizet and followed them back to the ship.
Merete sat on her bed. She had told Jack to wait for Sabrina in case she came back. They waited, but she never came back. They had just lifted off when Kizet skipped into the room.

He smiled. "Whatcha doing?"

Merete looked up. She was holding the Loth-Cat doll she had been so attached to as a child. She missions for Kizet to sit with her. He jumped to sit next to her.

"Here." Merete handed Kizet the doll. "It's never brought back good memories, so you keep it."

"Really?" Kizet smiled and held the doll to his chest. "Thank you." He then began to pet the doll and cradle it.

The window by Merete's bed began to show stars. This sight still amazed Kizet. He crawled over to the window and placed the doll by it. He pointed to the stars.

"That one is your star." He told Merete. "And that one is mine." He pointed. "That one is Jack's." He laughed.
"This one is your star." He told the doll.

Finally a star past that was fading. It wasn't as bright as the other ones. It looked dead. "That one was your star, Mommy." Kizet muttered. He sat by the window as the stars faded away into hyper space. He began to sing a lullaby. Merete recognized this song.

I see the stars shine above me.
As the trees begin to swing.
You lay here in my arms and fall asleep.
I will always sing.
This is my song for you my love.
I'll love you.
I'll be here.
You mean everything to me.
I'll love you.

He had sung himself to sleep in Merete's lap she Merete finished the song for him.

I'll be here.

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