The nightmare I'll never awake from

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If you are uncomfortable with dead bodies and some horror, you may want to skip most of this chapter. Thought it's not too bad I swear.

The Loth Cat that looked exactly like my doll I owned as a baby scurried off into the temple. It left no foot prints. I couldn't hear the foot steps of it bounding away.

"Wait up!" I stumbled after it up the stairs and into the temple. A big empty room appeared in front of me once I was inside. I didn't see the Loth Cat anywhere so I looked around the room. My eyes darted around the room.

"Kitty?" I squeaked. It didn't answer, so I took a step into the room I stood in. The door slammed behind me.

I gasped as the door clicked shut. Locked. I pulled on the handles and yelled for help. I banged on the doors, but I was trapped.

"Kizet help me!" I hopped he could hear me from the pilot's seat of the ship. He didn't.

I turned on my heel and began walking through the temple. There were no lights still burning and even the only source of light was the setting sun. It'd soon be gone. I pulled out my saber and used it as a glow stick. The burns cut into the walls from a battle lost against the clones. Bullet holes were engraved in the walls as well. I kept my mouth shut as I stepped over dead bodies. Some wore helmets. Some of the ones not wearing helmets stared into my green eyes.

I stood over dead bodies. One of them was smiling. Not a friendly smile, an evil one. They were wearing an all black jump suit. His eyes staring into mine as I kneeled down to his dead body that lay on the ground. I slowly moved his eyelids over his blue eyes. To make myself less creeped out, I shifted his smile into a dead frown. It might have been me dreaming, but I swear I saw the frown morph back to an evil smile. I jumped up and walked away from the body. I stopped.

Your dreaming, Merete. I thought. It's your imagination. Plo Koon had always told you that you had a big one.

I turned back, the body was gone.

I looked around the empty room. I spun around looking for an exit so much I became dizzy when I finally found a door that wasn't crushed by boulders or blocked by a beam.

The stairs had been blocked by a wooden beam that kept me from getting up. They had also been crushed and had dead bodies laying all around and I think I've had enough of dead people for a life time.

I rushed over to the door. I flung it open and walked in. I slammed it behind me and tried to trap the jump suit body in the room with the other bodies. In this room, there was nothing.

Clone helmets and armor were scattered around the room. This must be the clone training room! Gregor can tell me all about this place when I get back. I continued searching for- nothing...

The clone training room must have been a safe place too. The clones had all left to find a Jedi to kill. They would all be else where.

"Meow." I turned to see the Loth Cat I'd seen before. It wasn't where I heard the meow from though. I slowly turned back around.

"Merete." I heard a familiar sounding voice call.

"Merete." Another chuckled.

"Merete." I heard from all around.

"Merete." A tiny voice squealed.

"Merete?" A voice I knew I'd heard before asked. The voice sounded annoyed. It spoke like it was saying 'oh, it's you'.

"I'm here!" I said firmly. I used my saber to look for whoever was calling. I shook. Only my hand though. The one holding my saber.

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