Is he... gone?

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"Get on an escape pod to signal that you're out," Merete explained a new plan to Kizet. She hoped this new plan could get them all out faster. "We'll pick you up with the ship if you can land on Tatooine."

Kizet smirked. "Got it, chief!" He then laughed as he skipped away. Merete monitored him on the cameras until he was close to room 1C. There was still no sign of storm troopers in any close rooms.

Moments later, Jack, Merete's clone, and Sabrina met Merete at the cameras. They assumed the announcement was her and not an imperial.

"He's almost there!" Merete jumped with excitement. Jack glanced at a nearby camera. It was room 4C, troopers were lined up and headed toward room 1C. Jack pointed it out to Merete.

"Oh no!" She panicked as the screens all went black. Nobody, but Sabrina, knew why. Merete jammed buttons and unplugged and replugged wires, but the machine wouldn't reactivate.

"Turn it on, Sabrina!" Merete turned to her sister with tears flooding down her face. She knew Kizet was in trouble and Sabrina had always been good with tech.

"They deactivated it. They know we are watching. It will not come back on until and official imperial activates it again." Merete slumped down in a small ball in the corner.

"He'll die, though." She whispered.

"He'll be fine!" Merete's clone smiled. "From what I know, he's strong."

Merete looked up at her and smiled.

"Can I call you something besides Merete." Merete changed the topic hoping the cameras would return in time. She also wanted her mind off of Kizet long enough to not go insane from thinking she'd lose him.

"Sure, I guess." Her clone agreed.

"Evelyn." Merete suggested. "I'll call you Evelyn." Evelyn was Kizet's mom's name. Kizet had explained his whole family to Merete back before she went to the temple. When they first met. Merete thought it'd mean something to Kizet since Merete had been like a mom to him.

She also couldn't stop thinking about Kizet.

"I like that." Evelyn smiled.

The group sat in silence. No escape pods left the ship. They wasted hours just sitting around hoping for the best.

Sabrina took the time to explain the Empire and storm troopers and all of that junk every fan knows.

Finally, a green button flashed on the monitor next to the group. Merete slapped it and the cameras were reactivated. She frantically searched through the cameras to find Kizet. He wasn't on any of them. She tapped around and found no sign of him.

"What now?" Merete turned to Sabrina.

"You could replay room 1C's camera-" Sabrina started, but Merete cut her off.

"Then do that smarty-pants-computer-genius!" Merete shoved Sabrina into the cameras. Sabrina slowly shuffled through the cameras. She replayed the rooms Kizet had been seen in. Each video led Kizet into another room. He walked around in circles for a few minutes before going the right way, finally.

"He made it into room 1C," Sabrina sighed and watched the recording of Kizet skip into the unguarded room. He'd been skipping around the whole ship. He didn't stop from the moment he left Merete to the second he stood in room 1C. He looked happy doing this job in the end anyway.

Merete anxiously watched the robotic girl rewind everything that happened in the last few hours. The last hour that past was boring. Nobody had been into room 1C. The light flickered a few times and the whole group thought that the one storm trooper laying unconscious on the floor was a little weird. He eventually woke up and fell back asleep. Weird guy...

But they weren't trying to stalk storm troopers with this camera. They laughed and continued rewinding the video.

"Found him!" Sabrina played the recording of Kizet and amped up the volume so the group could hear it clearly.

Kizet stood on his toes and reached for the chip. He finally grabbed it and held it in his paws. He whispered something to the computer chip.

"Stop right there, rebel!" A voice was heard from the door. Kizet gasped. He quickly improvised a skit that may help him get out.

"I'm no rebel!" He lied. "I wanna know what this lil' thing does." He giggled happily like a two year old would.

"No need." The man that had spoken and twenty storm troopers barged in the room and surrounded Kizet. "Give up rebel!" The men raised their guns to Kizet.

"Over my dead body!" He mumbled just loud enough to hear. He was obviously trying to act like Merete. Who thought it was adorable, but could get him captured.

"We aren't the type of people you want to mess around with, kid." The man spoke holding out his hand. "So give us the chip and we won't kill you." 

Kizet tightened his grip on the chip. "Nope!" He shook his head.

"Then you may fire at will!" The man instructed to the storm troopers. He smiled deviously. 

Blaster fire was heard before the camera was blacked out. The group quit watching after that.

Merete was on the floor in tears. "It's all my fault." She cried. "He's dead, I couldn't save him!"

The other three looked around at each other. They didn't know what to do now so Jack grabbed Merete's hand, and they ran back to the ship.

Such a great time for so many storm troopers to be wandering the hallways with fully loaded blasters.

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