Chapter Eleven

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There were 11 more people who showed up at Alex's. All of them were really nice and fun to talk to. We just said around a bonfire talking to everyone about everything. It was a really relaxing and joyful time. The only thing that bothered me, was that Alex kept trying to flirt with me. And don't get me wrong, he's a good looking guy, but I don't want Alex. I was hoping that it was getting late so we could go home. The last time I checked my phone, it was already 11, so time was flying by.

"Hey Alex, thanks for inviting us. It's been real man." Corey said giving Alex another bro hug. "But it's kinda late and I think we are gonna head on out of here."

"Alright man. Thanks for coming." Alex said as we started to walk back to Corey's truck. "And you, pretty lady, call me!"

I never turned around to look at him, I only let out a sigh and rolled my eyes. Corey and I got in the truck and he started to drive back to his house.

"So, looks like I have competition." Corey said keeping his eyes on the road.

"Well you wouldn't. If you wouldn't have said what you did." I shot back looking out the window.

"And what did I say?" He said sternly taking a glance at me.

"You said we were friends. Just fucking friends." I answered pissed off.

Corey didn't say anything after that, and neither did I. I didn't know what to say. I just continued to stare off into the night while Corey focused on driving. Suddenly, he took a turn that I didn't think we took before. He continued driving and I noticed that I had never seen this landscape before.

"Where are we going? We didn't come this way." I asked looking at Corey.

Corey stayed silent and remained looking at the road.

"Corey?" I asked.


At that point, I gave up. He was in a mood and he wasn't going to answer me. I trusted Corey. Hell I trusted Corey with my life. I knew that we would never do anything to hurt me or put me in harms way.

We continued to drive for another 15 minutes before pulling up to a lake with the most beautiful scenery. Corey put the truck in park and got out after shutting it off. I got out as well.

I walked over to Corey who had pulled out a blanket for the back on his truck, spread it out on the ground, and was now laying on it. I stood there next to him, confused.

"Are you gonna lay down with me?" He said patting the empty side next to him.

Eventually, I gave in and laid down next to him. He immediately put his arm around me pulling me closer.

"I'm sorry I said we were just friends. I guess I wasn't ready to tell people about us yet." He said breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry too. I overreacted." I said pushing me head into the crook of his neck.

"We are more than friends. Way more than friends Adrianne." He said seriously while tightening his grip on my waist.

I lifted my head and turned to look at him. We starred into each other's eyes for a little while before leaning in and kissing each other. The kiss ended up getting pretty heated. Corey was laying on his back on the ground while I was on my knees straddling him and leaning down to kiss him. His hands were wrapped around my waist while I had one around his neck, and the other on his cheek during our make out session.

We continued making out for nearly seven minutes when I heard footsteps coming our way in the distance. I immediately sat up, while still on top of Corey, and he put his hands on my hips. I look off into the distance and was terrified at what I saw.

"Corey." I said frightened.

"What babe? What is is?" He said looking up at me.

"There are two clowns walking towards us." I said not taking my eyes off of them.

Corey suddenly jerked onto his side to see what I was looking at. There were two terrifying clowns walking towards up. One was carrying a very large machete, and the other what looked like a shot gun.

"Adrianne, get in the truck." Corey commanded sternly.

"Corey what abou..." I started to say before Corey cut me off.

"Adrianne. Get in the fucking truck. Now." Corey said even more sternly.

I slowly got up and was about to step over Corey to get in the passenger side of the truck when Corey stopped me.

"No. I don't want you any closer to them. Get in the drivers seat. Turn the truck on. Put it in drive and wait for me to jump." He said.

I did as I was told and slowly walked to the drivers side, turned to truck on, put my foot on the brake and put the truck in drive, but kept my foot on the brake. I looked at the clowns through the window and they were getting really close to Corey. Suddenly Corey sprung up off the ground, grabbed the blanket, and ran to the truck. He jumped in the seat behind me as I started to drive away. After about five minutes, Corey hopped over the center council and sat in the passenger seat next to me. I had no idea where I was going, so he gave me directions to which I thought were his house, but he ended up leading us to an IHOP. I was too scared and traumatized to even ask.

I got out of the car and took the keys with me. I walked to the back of the truck where Corey and I met. I handed the keys back to him. He put them in his pocket then pulled me into a big hug.

"You okay baby?" He said rubbing my back.

"Yeah..." I said shakily.

"Lets go eat and try to settle down a bit." He said grabbing my hand and heading into IHOP.

It was two in the morning when we had left IHOP. Corey was driving home and I was still siting next to him scared of the clowns.

"It's okay baby. Nothing's gonna happen to you. I won't let anything happen to you." Corey assured me as he grabbed my hand out of my lap. The rest of the car ride was quick. When we got to Corey's house, I went straight upstairs and into Corey's room to go to bed. About five minutes later, Corey came in and laid next to me.

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