Chapter Seventeen

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The last day of school before Thanksgiving break went... decent. Besides the fact that Beck kept trying to touch me and call me his girlfriend, the rest of the day was decent.

That night my mom was working overtime again, or whatever she was actually doing, I don't really know. But it was starting to piss me off that she was never home for dinner. I was standing in the kitchen trying to decide with Noah what to have for dinner when I got a text from my friend Kiley.

K: Hey! So since tomorrow was Thanksgiving, I'm asking a bunch of our friends if they want to go out for dinner tonight and have a little Thanksgiving between all of us. You in? It's at Wise Guys at 7!

I read the text and got excited, but then remembered I had Noah, and I couldn't just leave him alone.

A: Hey! It sounds like fun, but I have Noah and our mom isn't home and I don't just want to leave him alone...

K: Oh don't worry! Just take him with! Everyone loves Noah! He is such a little cutie!

"Noah, Kiley asked if we wanted to go out to dinner with her and a couple other friends. Do you want to go or stay here?" I asked putting my phone down.

"Can we go? There is nothing good here to eat." He replied.

With that, we headed out to Wise Guys Bar & Grill to have a Thanksgiving dinner with some of our friends.

We ate and talked for almost two hours with all of our friends. Noah, surprisingly, was enjoying himself. Eventually we did leave after saying goodbye to everyone and wishing them a happy Thanksgiving.

When Noah and I got home we went into the living room to watch some tv and I went upstairs to check on my mom because I saw that her car was home.

"Mom?" I asked knocking on her bedroom door. "Mom?" After I didn't get an answer, I slowly opened the door to find my mom asleep in her bed. I quietly sighed and shut the door. I made my way back downstairs and into the kitchen. I knew that tomorrow was Thanksgiving and that we were suppose to bring mashed potatoes and an apple pie to our family dinner. I looked in the fridge and noticed that neither of them had been made. So I took it upon myself to make them.

"Noah, I'm going to run to Walmart. Do you want to come with?" I asked putting my shoes on.

"Yeah sure!" He answered getting up and running into the kitchen.

We both hopped in my car and made a quick trip to Walmart for the stuff we needed to make the food. Then went back home and Noah and I made both the mashed potatoes and the apple pie.

•Next Day•

I woke up at about 8:30 the next morning. We didn't have to leave for my grandparents house until 11:30, so I had a little bit of time before I had to get ready. I walked downstairs and instantly smelled bacon. Is my mom cooking? I headed into the kitchen to see not my mom cooking, but Noah.

"Are you making breakfast?" I asked curiously with a little bit of a laugh.

"What? Boys can cook too." He replied sassily while flipping a pancake.

"Is mom up?" I questioned more seriously.

"She's awake, but she's still in her bed watching tv. So I was going to bring her some breakfast." He explained.

"That's sweet of you." I said grabbing a pancake and some bacon. I finished eating my breakfast just as he finished making my moms.

"I'm going to shower and start getting ready. You take that up to mom." I said getting up and putting my dishes away.

I went and hopped in the shower and when I was done I started to put on my clothes when I heard a knock at the bathroom door. I quickly put on my shirt and opened the door to find my mother.

"You look nice." She said walking in and grabbing her toothbrush.

"As do you." I said looking at my mother who was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, tall riding boots, a flowy tank top, and a cardigan.

Both my mom and I were brushing our teeth at the same time and I was examining her the whole time. She looked fine. Maybe a little tired, but other than that she was acting normal. Maybe she has just been working overtime.

"Shit, I forgot to make the potatoes and pie." She said rubbing her temples.

"Don't worry. Noah and I made all of it last night." I said reassuring her.

"Thank you." She replied hugging me.

The three of us made our way to my grandmothers house which was out in the country about 15 minutes away. We got there and chatted with everyone for a while so my mom, aunt, and grandmother could all finish cooking the dinner.

Half and hour later, everything was finally done and we grabbed our plates, filled up, and sat down at the table. The adult table wasn't big enough, so I sat at the kids table with Noah and my cousins Austin, Tyson, Luke, and Karlie. I didn't really mind sitting at the kids table considering Luke was 19.

Thanksgiving went great. It was nice to catch up with everyone, stuff our faces with loads of food, and watch some good football. My Thanksgiving motto is follow the three F's. Food. Family. Football.

We ended up staying so long that we ate lunch and dinner at my grandparents house. We finally left about 8 at night to head home. When we got home, I immediately plopped down into the couch and rubbed my stomach.

"I'm going to go get ready for bed." My mom said heading up stairs with a glass of water in her hand.

Noah and I decided to stay up later since we didn't have school tomorrow. We needed up watching the rest of the Patriots, Giants game. I was watching the Patriots bring their defense off the field and the offense on when I heard something fall to the floor and break upstairs.

I looked at Noah, who was already looking at me. We both jumped off the couch and jogged upstairs to see what was broken. When we reached the top of the stairs I saw the glass shattered on the ground, and my mom lying unconscious next to it.

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