Chapter Thirty

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C: Hey I'm about the board my flight. I'll be in Chicago in about 2 hours.

A: Okay. Have a safe flight.

It was now the day after Christmas and Corey was about to fly in to Illinois and stay the night so we could head out early in the morning the next day. He texted me so I hopped in my car and took the long, slow drive to Chicago alone. Which actually wasn't all that bad considering I liked driving and just having time to myself.

I was stuck in traffic about 20 minutes from the airport when I got a text from Corey saying that he had just landed. I told him I would be there as soon as possible, but I was stuck in traffic.

Eventually, I made it to the airport and pulled up to pick up Corey. I got out of the car and gave him a hug.

"That's all I get?" He asked sadly.

I rolled my eyes before standing on my tippy toes to give him a kiss.

"That's better, love." He said satisfied.

I opened the trunk for him and he threw his bags inside. I closed it and then walked over to the passenger side.

"What are you doing?" Corey asked laughing.

"You get to drive home. I drove here, so you drive home." I replied getting into the car.

Corey just shook his head and walked over to the drivers door and tried to get in but stopped.

"Yeah, you might want to move the seat back before you even try to get in." I laughed.

He moved the seat back quite a bit before getting into the car and pulling out of the airport.

"You are really short." He said moving the seat back a little further while we sat at a red light.

"Well maybe you're just really tall. Because I'm actually average height for a female in America." I said crossing my arms.

"Okay okay, I'm a little taller than most guys." He said as the light turned green.

It was already 3:00 in the afternoon and we didn't really want to waste anytime getting back home. We had to go through a whole checklist to see if we had everything we needed and I still had to pack my bags for the trip. Not to mention we had to go to bed at a decent time because we were planning to leave at like six in the morning.

"Are you hungry at all?" I asked Corey.

"I'm always hungry." He said glancing at me.

"Well, do you wanna get a quick lunch? And I mean like quick quick." I asked.

"By quick quick do you mean McDonald's?" He questioned laughing.

I didn't say anything, just looked at him with a smug facial expression. I gave him directions to the nearest McDonald's and he pulled into the drive thru.

I was feeling pretty hungry, so I ordered 20 chicken nuggets, a large fry, and a large vanilla milkshake. Corey said that he didn't mind eating while driving, so instead of pulling into somewhere to eat, we just got back onto the interstate.

About two hours later we got back to my house. Corey grabbed his bag out of my car and brought it into the house and set it in a guest bedroom in the basement.

"Ah Corey, dear, you're here!" My mom yelled coming up to give Corey a hug.

"It's nice to see you again Leigh Ann!" Corey said hugging her back.

"Adrianne, I made a list of all the things I need you to take with you, and another list for what I want you guys to buy at the store to stock the kitchen with once you get there." She started to say. "If you could could start putting the stuff in now that would be great."

We followed her upstairs to our little hallway area where there were four laundry baskets full of presents, two large suitcases, a duffel bag, five good sized pillows, and multiple blankets.

"Alright, grab something and throw it in the car." She said happily grabbing a laundry basket and carrying it downstairs.

My mom had already put down all the back seats in the escalade so the back was completely open and the only two seats in the car were the two in the front. It took us about half an hour to get everything arranged in the back and leave a little room for my bag that I have yet to even start packing.

"I'm going to start making dinner." My mom said. "You should probably go pack that bag of yours."

Corey and I both walked upstairs to my room and he threw himself onto my bed while I got my medium sized suitcase from the closet. I began laying out all my clothes on the floor in outfit form. I needed nine outfits total, but I always packed a couple extra just in case. I folded them and kept them on the floor in order when Corey rolled off my bed and onto my clothes.

"Corey!" I yelled. "You're not helping!"

"I'm sorry baby. I just wanted to tell you that these are really cute. This too." He said holding up one of my thongs and a matching bra from Victoria Secret.

"Thank you." I said extremely embarrassed. "Now give them to me."

He tossed me the bra and thong and I shoved them into my bag. I then layer everything else into the suitcase nicely and zipped it up. I then started to pack my toiletries and other things I needed.

"Are you almost done?" Corey asked irritated. "I'm bored."

"Almost." I laughed finishing up what I was doing.

There was a pair of boots that I wanted to bring, but wouldn't fit in my bag so I was just going to throw them in the car, but they were at the top of my closet.

"Corey, will you grab those for me?" I asked pointing to the boots.

He got up off the floor and reached up and grabbed the boots with ease.

"Thank you." I said throwing the boots on top of my suitcase.

"You owe me for that." He said crossing his arms against his chest.

"And what do I owe you?" I asked doing the same.

Corey simply pointed to his lips and smiled. I was not smiling however. But I did walk over to him to give him a kiss, but just as my lips were about to touch his, there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Adrianne, Corey, dinner is ready."

Hey guys! So how are you guys liking this story?? Is it good, bad, needs some changes?? I have no idea... I kinda like it, but I want to hear what you guys have to say!!! Anyways, how was your New Years? Mine consisted of me sitting at home alone while my parents were at a wedding, so that was fun! Hope you guys enjoy the new year!

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