Chapter Sixteen

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Two weeks had gone past since we left North Carolina, which was good because that means that we would be seeing them in a couple days for our Thanksgiving together. It was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and our last full day at school.

"Alright guys. Since we just finished reading Romeo and Juliet, we are going to do a class project. You will be creating your OWN play. You will be writing a script from scratch. Since there are 20 of you guys in my class, we will be doing this in two groups of 10. I have already come up with two different plots and sets of characters for you." Mr. Passmore, my English teacher started. "There are five characters in each group, so five of you will be acting it out. The other five in the group will be in charge of costumes, narration, and scenes."

"How long do we get to do this?" Scott, a student in the class, asked.

"You will have two weeks." Mr. Passmore answered. "Here are our groups."

We all looked at the groups up on the board and started to move our desk together to work. Mr. Passmore came around and handed us a stack of paper labeled group two. It consisted of paper to write the script, costume help, and scene and prop help. It also had who was doing what. Just my luck, I was the female lead. But to my disappointment, Beck, was the male lead.

"Okay. So it says here that we have to do a love story." Braden, a group member said.

I internally face palmed as we started to work on the script. It was going well and I kind of liked it, just didn't like who I was going to have to act it out with. Beck chose to sit right next to me. As everyone was focused on writing the script, he took the chance to put his hand on my knee. I turned and gave him a glare, but he only smiled. When his hand started to go up, that's when I smacked it away, but he only kept trying.

"Stop it." I whispered angrily at him.

"Come on babe, you love it." He said trying it again.

"Don't call me babe, Beck. I have a boyfriend." I replied scooting my desk further away from him.

Suddenly, Beck grabbed my wrist and held on really tightly. "You're cheating on me? How dare you." He asked tightening his grip to the point of where it hurt really really bad. "You don't cheat on daddy. So I suggest you break up with this asshole. Or daddy will make you pay."

"Beck, let go." I pleaded with tears welling up in my eyes.

He finally let go just as the bell rang dismissing us to our third block class, which sadly, Beck was also in.

I managed to get through the rest of the day without being harassed by Beck anymore. And when I got home, Noah and I did our same routine of doing our homework. After we finished, it was 5:30 again.

"Mom's late. Again." Noah sighed.

"I know, she's just been really busy at work." I said rubbing his back.

The truth was, I don't really know if she was at work or not. That's what she said the first time, but she's been late coming home for the past two weeks and she never works that much overtime. So I'm starting to worry about what is going on.

It was 6:30 and our mom still wasn't home, so I decided to make dinner. I was making a homemade pizza when Corey face timed me.

"Hey!" I said happily.

"Hey baby girl." Corey said with that Seager smile.

"How's if going?" I asked spreading the sauce out in the dough.

"Well, pretty good because I get to see you on Saturday."

"I miss you." I said with a little frown.

"I miss you too!" He said. "And don't frown, it will be seen enough."

We continued to talk while I made the pizza when my mom came in the back door at about 7:00.

"Hey, I got to go. See you on Saturday." I said cheerfully.

"See you ba... Adrianne." Corey said quickly and then hanging up.

I fingered that he knew my mom had come home so he didn't want to say baby in front of her because we still haven't told our parents yet.

"Hey, how was work?" I asked trying to make conversation with my mom.

"Fine." She answered with sass. And before I could say anything else, she was already making her way upstairs, which I found pretty odd.

"Noah, pizza is done!" I shouted to Noah who was playing his XBox in the living room.

Noah and I sat down and ate dinner at the table. I thought my mom was going to come down, but she never did. When we were done eating I told Noah he could go and that I would clean up the dishes. When I was done putting away the leftovers and cleaning up the dishes, I went upstairs to look for my mom. And I found her asleep on her bed dressed in her work clothes and her shoes still on. It looks like she just passed out on her bed. I decided that I would quietly take her shoes off and cover her up with a blanket so she could get some sleep.

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