~Six Chair Challenge~

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Y/N's Pov:

I was backstage for the six chair challenge and too say I was freaking out was a understatement. What if I don't get a chair, Or what if I get a chair then I loose it and have to take that walk of shame! I cant handle this shit, I'm even swearing and I rarely swear! I'm literally about to poop my pants! I decide to just look on twitter or something. I take a quick selfie and put it on my Instagram.

Y/I/N Nerves kicking in for the six chair challenge! Wish me luck!

Straight away I get a couple notifications of people wishing me good luck and telling me I'll do great. I smile widely as I look through the comments. Then one catches my eye,...

jadeameliabadwi Good luck xxxx

NO WAY! NO WAY! NO WAY! NO FUCKIN WAY! This aint happening again, Nah bitch. Jade Thirlwall just said good luck to me via Instagram. May I add four kisses! SCORE! Now that's a way to forget about your nerves. Be tweeted by you're woman crush since 2011! Yes, She is my woman crush leave me be. Have you seen her! I quickly replied to her.

Y/I/N @jadeameliabadwi thank you so much! Omg I'm fangirling so hard rn and the X Factor crew are looking at me weirdly lool xx

She replied instantly which was a shocker. I would've thought she'd be busy considering she's in a famous, successful girl group who most probably have very hectic schedules! Before looking at what she said I looked at some of my followers reactions. Most said 'I ship it' or 'moms' or 'I shipped this before they even reacted'. I giggled to myself then looked at what Jade said.

jadeameliabadwi @Y/I/N Awe I bet you're being cute tho and I'm missing it! Don't worry I like weird people ;)

I blush then I reply instantly.

Y/I/N @jadeameliabadwi weird people on the dance floor, There just doing what they came to do-o-o weird people! ;)

Perrieeele @jadeameliabadwi @Y/I/N who ships them? I DOOOOOOOOOO

I giggle and blush slightly. I'm not looking for a relationship though, I'm never gonna trust anyone with my heart ever again just to let them trample all over it and continuously break it for a twenty pound note! No matter how beautiful Jade is, She probably would never like me I mean look at her! Then me, You see where I'm coming from. I'm just somebodies bet, Nobody could ever love me. I hear someone call my name and I look up.

"You okay babe?" Sam says worriedly.

"Perfectly fine," I say and fake smile. She looks at me unsure but nods, Knowing not too push me.

"Well are you excited!" She says and sits down next to me. I smile widely and nod vigorously.

"Very!" I say happily. "I'm doing this for my family, Including my mum. I wanna make her proud!" I say and smile widely. Sam puts her arm around me and smiles at me.

"She already is!" She says and kisses my cheek. I smile and sigh contently. I cant believe I'm living my dream, And I've made some incredible friends along the way. Sam, Gifty, Emily and so many more. Its been the best experience and I'm not gonna let past experiences knock me down again!

"Y/N, You're up," A crew member says and I smile widely. I'm so ready for this! Its almost as having than little convo with Jade has boosted my confidence, But I don't think much of it. Sam stands up with me and hugs me tightly.

"Good luck!" She says. I smile widely and kiss her cheek friendly.

"Thanks, You too Sam!" I say and start walking to the stage. I walk on and stand in the middle.

"Hello Y/N!" Simon says. The crowd cheer loudly and I giggle.

"Hello Simon, Judges." I say and smile, My British accent showing immensely.

"Why should you have a chair Y/N?" Simon asks.

"I truly believe I can bring something to the X Factor. I'm so passionate about what I do, I cant imagine anything else to do with my life. I wanna make people proud, Most of all I want to make myself proud," I say and smile.

"Okay wow, What are you going to sing for us?" He asks.

"679 by Fetty Wap but with my own spin on it," I say, And the crowd cheer again.

"No swearing?" Nicole questions jokingly. I giggle and nod.

"No swearing," I confirm.

"Okay lets here it," Simon says and smiles. I smile back and get ready to sing. I sit at the piano and get ready to play.

I walked away from the piano contently and smile wide as the crowd roared and I had a standing ovation from the judges, Even Simon! My eyes started watering and I tried not too cry but it failed ultimately and tears started flowing from my eyes.

"Wow, All I've got to say is... Simon give this girl a chair!" Louie shouts. I giggle and thank him.

"Good advice," I say jokingly and the judges laugh. Oh my god for once my joke didn't flop. Can I get high fives all round, No? Okay...

"Y/N darling, Beautiful. It was flawless and you played the piano aswell. Double threat, Can you play any other instruments?" Sharon says.

"Yes, I can play the Guitar and I'm currently learning how to play the drums just for fun," I say and giggle. The crowd cheer and I smile, Again.

"I loved you from the beginning you walked in that audition room, Not only for you're incredible talent but you're personality. Isn't she just the cutest!" Nicole says and the crowd cheer. I laugh and blush lightly.

"Y/N lets get to the point, Take a chair and keep it. Its yours!" Simon says. I jump up and down and do my little happy dance and sit on the 4th chair. Omg I got a seat! Now I just gotta stay on this seat.


I stayed on the seat and you know what! So did Sam, Gifty and Emily! I'm so happy right now its unbelievable. the three where round my house and helping me get packed for Judges houses. Were going to Malibou! YES MAN! The only ever place I've been beside England is Spain because that's where my dad is from and we go their every year to visit my cousins and auntie and uncle and my grand parents. Most of my family are actually from Madrid, So that's how I learnt to speak fluent Spanish.

"Girls!" I shout even though they were all right next too me.

"What!" Emily mimics and does her cute little laugh.

"Selfie time!" I shout even louder and get out my phone and take a selfie off the four of us.

Y/I/N My favs and I getting packed for Malibou! Bring it on Judges houses!!! I love youuu Sammy poo, Giff Gaff and Munchkin!

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