~Week Three~

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A/N: If you haven't already noticed which you probably have but oh well, This story Isn't just You and Jade's love story but it also follows you're journey as a X Factor contestant...

Y/N's Pov:

Its Saturday, Which means its Live shows! I'm so excited as this week is Diva week and I'm doing This Is what You Came For by Calvin Harris Featuring the one and only Rihanna. I cant wait too see the reaction of the public and the judges on my version of the song. But its also nerve racking, You'd think 3rd week into live shows I'd be able to cope with my anxiety and nerves better but nope. I got out of bed and walked over to Sam's side of the room. I picked up her water bottle and tipped it over her head as she slept. You would've thought I'd learnt to stop messing with people by now but no. She shot up and when she saw me she just glared at me.

"Morning," I say innocnetly and start walking out the room trying to contain my laughter. I swear she was like glaring beams into the back of my head.

"I fucking hate you," She mummurs. I giggle and turn around so im facing her.

"No you dont, You wuv me," I say in a baby voice and walk out. I walked down the stairs to get me a bowl of cereal and I see Emily and Ryan at it once again. Its bloody 6 in the morning why are they always doing THAT at this time in the morning.

"Get of the counter, I want cereal!" I say and they just look at me, both their faces started heating up and they got off the kitchen counter.

"Its not like its the first time Ive walked in on you too, So stop blushing before you become tomatoes," I say and giggle and sit down near the counter. I pour myself some weetos in a bowl, Add some milk and get a spoon from the drawer. Then I start eating. Soon after Gifty sat next too me and started eating too. Once we both finished eating we just talked for a while.


My phone vibrated in my back pocket and saw I'd got a text message from Jade! After Starbuck's we'd exchanged numbers. I smiled widely and opened up the message.

Jadey😍: Morning sleeping beauty! I hope it's okay but the others really wanted you're number so I gave it to them, just thought I'd let you know❤️❤️❤️

Y/NN😍:That's completely fine! I can't believe Little Mix has my number! I don't think u guys realise what this does to my hearttttt❤️❤️❤️

Jadey😍: Okay that's good! Awe you're so freakin cuteee Y/NN❤️❤️❤️

Y/NN😍: Ik I'm cute🙃🤘

Jadey😍: humble Y/N, very humble😂

Y/NN😍: Ik Ik 😂

Jadey😍: 😂😂 anyway I just wanted to say good luck tonight! Even though I know you'll do amazing anyway. My whole fam are rooting for ya too, baby Karl is OBSESSED with you're version of Panda! And me personally LOVE every single song you've done lool ❤️❤️❤️

Y/NN😍: awe thankyou so much😫❤️ It means so much too me Jadey!❤️❤️❤️

Jadey😍: it's okay beautiful, well i can't keep u waiting. Have fun at rehearsals before the big night! Me and the fam will be watching at home ❤️❤️❤️

Y/NN😍: but I like talking to you Jade!😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️

Jadey😍: and I like talking too you but you need to go rehearsals Y/N!😫❤️❤️❤️

Y/NN😍: fine😫 Goodbye Jadey, speak later?❤️❤️❤️❤️

Jadey😍: Ofc beautiful bye bye luv youuuuuu❤️❤️❤️❤️

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