~Sunday Part One~

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Y/N's Pov:

Today is Sunday which means I'm seeing Jade again! And later on I'll be seeing the other girls of Little Mix for the X Factor results. I'm feeling excited, Nervous, Scared just so many emotions! I quickly jump out of bed and I was in my Olaf onesie. I head downstairs to eat breakfast and for once Emily and Ryan weren't down here, Sucking each others faces off, Makes a bloody change! I make some toast with Nutella and eat it as quick as possible. Maybe if I do everything quick, The time will go quicker. Well, I'm pretty sure that's not how it works but I mean its worth a try. I rush back up the stairs to get to the shower. On the way I bump into Caroline (From Four Of diamonds). I quickly apolagise and run into my shared bathroom with Sam. After I'd finished showering I put on a towel and run to my bedroom. I start thinking about what I should wear. I remember from Starbucks, She said she liked it when I dressed neutral and didn't put too much effort in. I smile and quickly pick out some high waisted skinny jeans and a mens plain white T Shirt (This bish aint that girly). I put my hair in a messy bun and put on my black glasses, She said I look cute with glasses on. I decided to only put on light makeup, Only concealer, A little mascara and some lip gloss.

Your Outfit Below

After I'd finished that I saw it was only nine in the morning! I sighed and sat down on my bed, I shouldn't of rushed so much

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After I'd finished that I saw it was only nine in the morning! I sighed and sat down on my bed, I shouldn't of rushed so much. I shrugged and decided to look on all social media's. Then I remembered I don't even know what time, Or what I'm even doing with Jade today. I quickly get up my text messages with her and ask.

Y/NN😍: hello Jadey! I just realised Idek what we're doing today or when?😂😂❤️❤️❤️

To my suprise she replied straight away, as if she was waiting for a message from me. I doubt it, I'm nothing special though.

Jadey😍: Oh yeah😂 Well I was thinking we could just spend the day in, at my house. Watch movies and eat junk and have a bit of a chinwag. Is that alright with you?❤️❤️❤️

Y/NN😍: perfect! What time should I come over?❤️❤️❤️

Jadey😍: whenever your ready beautiful❤️❤️❤️

Y/NN😍: well I'll be over in 10❤️❤️❤️

Jadey😍: I can't wait too see your cute, beautiful face!😫

Y/NN😍: likewise😫 I just realised idk where u live😬😂❤️❤️❤️

Jadey😍: right😂 *random address*

Y/NN😍: okay like I said, I'll be over in 10😊

Jadey😍: can't wait! See you soon cutie😫❤️❤️

Y/NN😍: yep!❤️❤️❤️❤️

I couldn't contain the smile that spread across my face as I put my phone in my back pocket. At that moment Sam walked into our room and smiled at me.

"Hello Ms. Smiley! Where you going?" She asks with a smirk evident on her face. I smile widely and shrug.

"I'm just about to go round a friends," I say happily. She raises a eyebrow and smiles.

"Alright, Have fun at you're friends," She says and puts quotation marks around friends. I giggle and hit her arm playfully.

"We are friends!" I whine. She hums in response and hugs me.

"See ya later cutie pie," She says. I giggle and hug her back for a while until we pull away.

"Bye Sammy poo," I say and exit our room and head for the door.


I was now outside Jade's house and I grew nervous and anxious, And I don't even know why. I decided to get her a rose, As thanks for the rose she gave me. I knocked on the door and placed my hands behind my back. I hear footsteps rush to the door and the door swings open.

"Y/NN!" She says and pulls me in for a hug. I giggle and wrap my arms around her waist. After our hug I pull away, Already missing her warmth. As I pulled away I got a proper look at the beautiful woman stood befourth me. I look her up and down and smile. She's so beautiful, As I look back up too her face her cheeks seemed a little red, But then again I'm probably being delusional. I remember the rose and hand it too her. She looks at it and smiles widely which causes me to smile as big. She takes the rose from me and places a chaste kiss on my cheek and my face heats up.

"Thank you!" She says and grabs my hand and pulls me in her house. I swear I felt electricity, I know its cliché but I swear it! I'm not sure if she felt it too, But she did look down at our hands and smile. She lets go off my hand, And quickly runs too I'm assuming the kitchen to put the rose somewhere. Soon she comes back and holds my hand again and brings me too her living room. We sit down on the couch and I have a proper look around the room. There was a little fireplace, A big TV and a book shelf, With DVD's in. Okay? That's cute though. There was a table in front of us and it had loads of unhealthy food on it, My fav! I look at her, Too see she was looking at me already.

"I love you're house! Well from what I've seen of it. But basing off the hallway and this room its really nice!" I say and she giggles, Awe it sounds so cute. Like angels!

"Thank you! What do you wanna watch?" She asks. "Its gotta be Disney though!" She adds on and I giggle. Fine by me!

"Frozen!" I squeal excitedly. She giggles and mouths cute. She stands up and goes to get Frozen from the book shelf, Well DVD shelf. I don't know? I admire her beauty as she does all she needs to do to set the movie up. After she'd done that, She sat back down next too me and I leaned against her, She then wrapped her arms around my waist. I sighed contently and watched the movie with her.

Jade's Pov:

We had already watched Frozen and Aladdin and Bambi was now on. Y/N fell asleep just a couple minutes ago and its the cutest thing I've ever seen. The definition of sleeping beauty! Her body was stretched out, The fall length of the sofa and her head was rested on my thighs. All you could hear was the film in the background and her cute soft snores. I admired her as she slept, is that creepy? I don't know? I had to take a picture so I slowly leaned forward and retrieved my phone off the table, Carefully to not wake up Y/N. I took a picture and put it on Instagram and put the caption, Sleeping beauty with a crown and heart. I saw it was one in the afternoon and thought that she might be hungry. I slowly shook her and her beautiful Y/C/E eyes fluttered open. She smiled at me and sat up, then sat back next too me.

"Hello sleepy, Do you want to go out and get some food?" I asked. She rubbed her eyes and smiled even wider, She so freakin' beautiful!

"Okay," She said...

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