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Y/N's Pov:

Today I'm going to Sam's hometown, Newcastle, with her. We were getting ready at my house, She borrowed some of my clothes then we walked down stairs.

"Bye Padre, Bye Maya!" I shout as Sam and I head towards the door. Maya runs too me and jumps on my back. I giggle and turn my head to kiss her temple.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I say and she gets down and pouts.

"I'm gonna miss you Y/NN!" She whines. I coo and kiss her head.

"Hey, What about me!" Sam says and I giggle.

"I'll miss you too Sam!" Maya says and hugs Sam around the waist.

"Bye honey, Bye Samantha!" My father says as he walks over and gives us both a hug.

"Bye Y/DN," Sam says then Sam and I walk out my house. We were gonna get the train to Newcastle...


Sam and I were on our phones, We were now only 20 minutes away from Newcastle.

"Excuse me?" A boy says. I look up from my phone and smile at the young boy who appeared to be around 7.

"Where's you're mummy or daddy?" I ask him sweetly.

"My mummy is only over there, I just wanted to ask if I could get a picture with you two. You're my favourites on X Factor!" He says with a big smile plastered on his face. I smile widely and nod. He passes me a phone, Which I'm assuming is his mums and I point the camera upwards. I sit the boy on my lap and Sam leans her head on my shoulder. We all smile into the camera and I take the picture.

"Thank you so much!" He says happily and walks off to go back to his mum. I look at Sam and squeal.

"People want to take pictures with us! This is all so crazy," I say.

"I know right!" Sam says and starts squealing aswell.


We get to Sam's house and she knocks on the door. I hear footsteps and someone opens the door. It was Sam's mummy! Sam hugs her mum tightly and I watch with a big smile on my face. I also take a quick picture of it and caption it Family love and post it too my Snap chat. I have no idea how so many people found my Snap Chat though, Its mad!. I put my phone away and hug her.

"Hello Mummy Lavery!" I say, She laughs and hugs me back.

"Hi Y/N," She says. Sam and I both walk in the house.

"Where's Grandad, Mum?" Sam asks.

"In your room, He already made a start on packing you're stuff for Malibou," She says.

"Awe, That's so cute!" I say and Sam smiles. We walk up the stairs and head to the farest room. The door was slightly open and I saw Sam's Grandad packing stuff. Sam opens the door and her Grandad looks at us. He smiles widely and opens his arms up and Sam hugs him tightly.

"You too Y/N!" He says and opens his arms wider. I giggle and join the hug.

"I'm loved," I say and smile widely. We all pull away from the hug.

"You didn't have to pack for me Grandad," Sam says.

"Woah, I was only making a start Sam. I'm not doing the whole thing," He says and I burst out laughing. Grandad looks at me and giggles.

"Okay, I'll leave you girls be," He says and closes the door behind him. I sit on Sam's bed and look around Sam's room. She has loads of frames of her and her granddad, She really looks up to him so much.

"Help me Y/N! I don't know what shoes to bring!" Sam whines. I giggle and hug her from behind.

"Awe poor Lavery," I say and whine mockingly. She scoffs and pushes me playfully.

"Shut up, And help me pick fucking shoes," She says and I giggle.

"Okay, Okay!" I say...


After we'd finish packing Sam's stuff we laid on her bed and just looked through our phones. I went on twitter and saw I was tagged in a picture of the one we took with the little boy earlier today. I smile and read the caption

@MariahSmith- Jamie met @Y/T/N and @SamLavery today on the train, And he's had the biggest smile on his face the whole day. Thanks for taking a picture with him and good luck on the X Factor girls! Bring on Judges houses ;)

@Y/T/N- I loved meeting Jamie today, He's such a sweet boy and he's so frickin' cute! Thank you, Haha bring on Judges houses ;)

Its still crazy to think people wanna take pictures with me, I'm just a ordinary 18 year old girl...

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