~Week Two~

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Y/N's Pov:

Its time! I was so scared, I'm about to go on in a second and sing 'Dancing In The Streets' for Mo Town week in front of thousands of people and millions of people at home! I have a right to be scared, But I cant deny the excitement I'm feeling. I've got some crazy dance moves and vocals that go with this song and If I get them right then I'm gonna be so proud with myself. I'm also so excited for tomorrow, I'm finally meeting Jade in person, And the other girls of Little Mix of course!

"Y/N, You're up," A crew member says, Which I've learnt his name is Cameron. I smile and follow him to the bottom of the stage. Basically I'm gonna be brought up too the stage from underneath which hopefully is gonna look sick.

"3, 2 and 1,"

I took the mic away from my mouth and smiled widely as everyone clapped and I had another standing ovation from the judges! The brims of my eyes watered as Dermot walked over too me. I hugged his side as he spoke.

"Judges, Opinions?" Dermot asks. I let go off Dermot and stand up straight.

"Again, Another amazing performance Y/N! You should be proud because you're performance right there was incredible!" Louie says.

"Do I even need to tell you? I didn't think you could top last week but you just did!" Sharon says. I smile widely and bow in thanks.

"Baby girl, you're vocals! And you're dance moves! A real contender right here!" Nicole says. I smile and thank her.

"Nicole I have to disagree. Y/N is not a contender she is a artist! Y/N Y/LN everyone!" Simon says and the crowd cheer loudly. I giggle and thank Simon. Dermot looks at me and smiles.

"Amazing comments two weeks in a row. How does it feel?" Dermot asks me.

"Brilliant! I'm just speechless, I wanna do it all over again!" I say and giggle...



Its the day! Not only am I finding out if I'm going or staying in the competition but I'm also finally going to meet Jade and the other girls of Little Mix! I'm so excited, And nervous and scared but its expected.


I was backstage when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and my eyes widen. The most beautiful girl stood in front of me, She was flawless.

"So, My hug?" She asks and giggles. I smile widely and hug her tightly around the neck where as she had a firm hold off my waist. It's as if our bodies molded perfectly together.

Jade's Pov: 

As I hugged Y/N I couldn't contain the huge grin that spread across my face, It felt right to be in her warm embrace, I felt safe and I didn't want to let go.

"Awe," Leigh Anne coo's.

"Pass me the sick bucket," Jesy says jokingly and Perrie starts gagging in a joking manner. Y/N pulls away, Too quick for my liking even though we'd probably been hugging for a good 30 seconds but still! I let go of her waist and glared at my three bestfriends for ruining my perfect hug with Y/N. I looked over at Y/N and her cheeks were a little red, But then again so were mine.

"So what about our hugs Y/N?" Perrie asks and Y/N giggles. Oh my god, Officially my favourite sound! My ass is so sprung and I've only just met her! Y/N hugs Perrie, Jesy and Leigh-Anne then stands back next to me. She leans her head on my shoulder and I smile widely.

"We were joking about the sick bucket earlier, You two are our Otp so," Perrie says and Y/N giggles, I swear her laugh is so fucking cute!

"I know, Good luck with the performance today," Y/N says and I look down at her and admire her features as she talks with the other three. She looks up at me and I quickly look away and blush a dark shade of red. She giggles and pinches my cheek as she looks up at me. I look her in her beautiful Y/E/C eyes that I've now found out you can get very lost in. She smiles her cute smile at me and it makes me smile just as big.

"You're really beautiful," I blurt out. She smiles at me and buries her face in my neck, Is she trying to hide her blush or? Probably not. I felt her breath hit my neck and it sent a shiver down my spine.

"Have you two come back from you're own little world yet or?" Jesy says and the others giggle.

"Little Mix it's time for you to go on," A crew member says. I look down at Y/N and pout, I didn't want to leave her.

"I'll miss you," I say and she giggles and hugs into my side which makes my heart explode.

"I'll miss you two, But I'll see you after I find out if I'm staying in the competition or going," She says and I pout, that's so long! She coo's and pokes my bottom lip. Awe, she's so frickin' cute!

"Okay c'mon Jade hurry up," Leigh says and giggles. I nod and hug Y/N one last time before following the others. As I catch up to them I glance back at Y/N and see her looking at me. I wave at her and she waves back.

Y/N's Pov:

Jade Thirlwall! Its safe to say this is more than just a little crush, She's amazing! And so beautiful and cute, Especially when she pouts! And I'm scared. I'm scared of rejection, I'm scared if anything does happen in the end I'll just be broken hearted!


"Staying in the competition and through to next week is..." Dermot starts. Simon squeezes my hand and I smile at him.

"Y/N Y/LN!" He says. My eyes tear up and I hug Simon tightly. I then hug Sam and boop her nose.

"You got this," I say and start skipping happily to the side...


As I go back stage I see Jade standing there. I walk up too her and admire her beauty as I walk over, She was stood hand behind her back. I then stood in front of her and smiled widely which caused her to smile. She brought her hand from behind her back and I see a rose. I look at her and she nods.

"This is for you, As a congrats," She says. I take it from her and hug her tightly. Not even Harry did that for me when we were together, Well I was just a bet but still. She's just the cutest. I don't know what came over me but I had the urge to kiss her cheek so I did. She starts blushing, Well she's probably not. I'm probably just imagining it.

"Thank you!" I say. She smiles at me shyly which was so cute, Okay stop Y/N!

"I-Its okay," She says...

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